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Updated by Bodi Louisville on Jan 11, 2023
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Body Rx Louisville | Botox Treatment | Medical Weight Loss | Louisville

Botox treatment, medical weight loss, Laser hair removal treatment, Body Rx Louisville,

January 2023 Weight Loss Specials

Can even help with metabolism and sleep. Pair is great with our weight loss management center Louisville USA
, but the awesome thing about these injections is that they're available to anyone, whether you're in the program or not. So if this is something that you feel that you might be interested in, definitely give one of our offices a call.

BodyRx Louisville Gives Back – Breast Cancer Awareness

Body Rx was able to present the American Cancer Society with a check for just a little over $1000.00.

Botox Treatment Louisville, BodyRx

BodyRx provide botulinum toxin treatment in Louisville KY, this treatment is used for the face, this treatment help to remove the wrinkle of the forehead, between brows, side of the eyes. Botox do not freeze your face in place. Schedule an appointment with BodyRx to get best botox treatment in Louisville KY.


ZO product purchased within the month of November

ZO product purchased within the month of November

ZO product purchased within the month of November

Holiday Specials 2021 | Botox, Zo, Gift Certificate

Buy BodyRx Holiday specials 2021, botox, dysport, xeomin, fillers, zo product and gift certificate. These specials are valid till the end of December 2021