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Updated by Hitesh Joshi on Sep 11, 2019
Hitesh Joshi Hitesh Joshi
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The Symptoms, Causes and treatment of Adenomyosis - Indira IVF

The treatment of adenomyosis may depend on how close you are to the stage of your menopause. Some of the options of Adenomyosis treatment include:
Anti-inflammatory drugs: Your doctor may suggest anti-inflammatory medicines such as ibuprofen to get rid of the pain. By consuming anti-inflammatory medications, a day before your periods, you can lower your menstrual blood flow and get rid of the pain too.

The Symptoms, Causes and treatment of Adenomyosis - Indira IVF

The treatment of adenomyosis *may depend on how close you are to the stage of your menopause. Some of the options of *Adenomyosis treatment include:
Anti-inflammatory drugs: Your doctor may suggest anti-inflammatory medicines such as ibuprofen to get rid of the pain. By consuming anti-inflammatory medications, a day before your periods, you can lower your menstrual blood flow and get rid of the pain too.