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Updated by Joanna James on May 02, 2024
Headline for The 8 Best Things To Do In Kandy District - Adventure among the hills
Joanna James Joanna James
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The 8 Best Things To Do In Kandy District - Adventure among the hills

Sri Lanka's history is full of kingdoms, and one of those kingdoms had Kandy as its capital. Kandy is filled with a myriad of interesting things to see, so make sure you check out these places on the off chance that you end up vacationing here.


Kandy Lake

The main attraction of the town is the Kandy Lake, and this is no normal lake. This artificial lake was built in 1807 by Sri Wickrama Rajasinha, the last leader of the kingdom of Kandy. There is a little island inside the area of the lake, which was used by the King's own group of mistresses. This place was later changed into a storage space for ammo by the British who built the extra parapet around its edge for safety purposes.


Kandy Muslim Hotel

Firstly, this eatery is not exactly a hotel, but is a café, and a standout amongst the most well-known ones in Kandy even now. They are known to serve the best samosas in the area, alongside other food items, for example, curries, naan roti and the most notable of Sri Lanka's cheap but filling dishes, kothu roti, which is a dish made of chopped up roti that is then cooked with eggs, vegetables and a choice of meat. If you are staying at a Kandy hill bungalow the likes of Amaya Bungalow Kandy, this hotel ain't too far.


Kandyan Art Association and Cultural Centre

Should you wish to take a souvenir of Kandy or especially curious about the aesthetic side of Kandyan and Sri Lankan culture, this location is a must see. The Kandy Cultural Centre contains an immense number of customary artefacts and items including lacquerware, brassware and different other things in an attractive old age office.


Kandy and Trekking

A visit to Kandy will definitely be futile if you don't embark on a trek over the lavish woods or fields. Different types of treks are accessible from many sources that either take you a few days out in nature or a few hours only, whichever you wish for.


Ceylon Tea Museum

A vital stop on any visit journey around Sri Lanka, especially if you love your teas. This historical centre is located in the famous Hantane Tea Factory simply 4km away from Kandy and highlights different tea-preparing tools and has many informative displays of the tea masters James Taylor and Thomas Lipton.


White House Restaurant

A multi-cuisine eatery, this recently opened café has turned into an immediate hit for the snacks available at their pastry kitchen, and for serving amazingly quality food.


Vishnu Devale

A highly special and religious landmark, the Vishnu Devale is known for being a tribute to both the Hindu God Vishnu and Lord Buddha, thus creating a unique connection between the two religions.


Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic

Classified as a world heritage site by UNESCO, this temple is amongst the most noteworthy Buddhist destinations on earth since it contains a tooth of the Lord Buddha himself.

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