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Updated by IIAHP THERAPY on May 27, 2022
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We provide Down Syndrome Treatment, Dyslexia Treatment, Autism treatment, Developmental Delay Treatment, Cerebral Palsy Treatment, Mental Retardation Treatment, Speech Therapy, Slow Learners Treatment, ADHD Treatment, and Therapies for Special Needs Children etc. We Take New Children All Year.




ADHD is also related to the lifestyle activities and research has proved that improper diets play a very strong role in inducing ADHD in children. For instance, the excessive intake of sugar makes the child hyperactive, which is the most prominent ADHD symptom, and in turn proves to be very harmful for a child already affected by the syndrome. If you are looking for best ADHD Treatment just visit:




Those families have kids with cerebral palsy; think that there is no treatment for it. The only thing those families can do is search out the most excellent cerebral palsy treatment for their children. The kind of treatment that could be done for a child depends on what kind of cerebral palsy he or she has.For best Cerebral Palsy Treatment visit:


iiahp therapy center

iiahp therapy center

The diagnosis of autism is sometimes quite difficult, and that is because there are many degrees of autism from very mild to severe. But the use of proper autism treatment as early as possible has been shown to be very effective in helping patients, especially children, learn to cope with this environment.




Does your child stutter or mispronounce words? While cute at first, speech development problems are enough to cause many parents concern. Here is a comprehensive guide to speech development in children that will hopefully help you make decisions about whether your child needs additional testing to recommend speech therapy.

Speech and Language Development for special needs children | IIAHP

Every child wants to communicate. Sometimes, you may not understand your child’s language or communication but your child is trying to talk to you. Speech therapy


Down syndrome treatment

Down syndrome treatment

Children with Down syndrome usually have some degree of developmental disabilities, but it is often mild to moderate. For best down syndrome treatment contact us:-




Autism and related communication disorder: Child may have difficulties in social interaction and social communication, not being able to hold proper conversations or interact meaningfully with others. A child may prefer to play alone and have difficulties understanding social rules. For the best treatment for Special Needs Children you can visit iiahp therapy center.

ADHD Treatment | Hyperactive Child Treatment | IIAHP Therapy Center

If your child has been diagnosed with ADHD and you are facing the intimidating process of deciding what treatment they will have, you need to research all your options. For the best ADHD Treatment, you can visit iiahp therapy center.


iiahp therapy center

iiahp therapy center

The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and your kids are looking back at their screens? There are plenty of obstacles that drive children to live indoors these days. They could grumble when you try to send them out to play, but don't let the groans stop you from pushing those kids out of the door. Outdoor play for children of all ages has plenty of benefits and skill levels. Cerebral Palsy Treatment


Preparing kids with Special Needs for Adulthood

Preparing kids with Special Needs for Adulthood

Preparing kids with Special Needs for Adulthood

Neurobehavioral disorders are not just disorders of childhood; they can affect all facets of adult life. Adults with disorders of neurobehavior often have the same issues as teenagers. Poor time management, disorganization, problems with planning and prioritizing, uncertainty, forgetfulness, and impulsive decision-making are key indicators that continue into adulthood.

Such signs, however, also take a different type. Adulthood's pressures–paying bills, holding down a job and caring for children, to name a few–can make interpersonal challenges more visible and more problematic than in childhood, leading to high rates of chronic stress for many special needs adults.

Tips for Preparing Special Needs Children for Adulthood

Families of children with special needs may want to protect their children from the many challenges they face as they make the transition to adulthood. Parents will, however, encourage their children to be as independent as possible from an early age.

Gradually developing life skills is the key to preparing children with special adulthood needs, even though slipping and falling may seem unavoidable. Although children with special needs are often as keen on improving independence skills as children without special needs, certain features can make learning more difficult. For example, ADHD's hallmark features— distractibility and inattention — can cause trouble learning new skills. Parents should stop implementing too many new skills at once and allow more time for the child to perform tasks.

In addition to understanding the effect on the learning process of a neurobehavioral condition, caregivers should identify the specific difficulties that children with special needs are likely to face adulthood.

When helping a child with ADHD prepare for adulthood, parents may decide to focus on strengthening this weakness. They may choose to provide their kid with a weekly allowance and work with him or her to create a plan for saving and spending. Once the kid has mastered this skill, parents may increase the level of difficulty and switch from a weekly to a monthly allowance.

Adjusting to a Special Needs kid’s Growing Independence

Independence is an important part of the adult journey. Families must give their children the freedom to try new things to increase the chances of success. It's common for parents to worry too early about giving kids too much autonomy, but all kids need room for growth and development. Children with special needs appear to grow more slowly and may require more time to learn how to manage their daily lives. Parents will help their children develop essential skills for independent living when parents are cautious and plan for some trial and error.

Enrolling your child to IIAHP Achievement Center Program for the best result if your child is suffering from Special needs.


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder affects teens and children’s and can continue in adulthood. In children’s Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is the most commonly diagnosed mental disorder. Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder may be overactive and unable to control their impulses. Or they may have trouble in paying attention. These behaviors interfere with school and home life. So kids need proper Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder treatment to overcome this problem. ADHD Treatment in Punjab


Various types of autism treatment

Various types of autism treatment

Since conception, some autistic children have symptoms. Others initially begin to develop normally, only to fall into symptoms unexpectedly when they are 18 to 36 months old. It is now recognized, however, that some people can not show signs of communication disorder unless the environmental demands exceed their capacity. In boys, autism is four times higher than in girls. Children with autism need to be treated properly with the best therapies as soon as possible.

Autism Treatment


ADHD Treatment

ADHD Treatment

The brain changes. Areas of the brain that control meditation is less active in children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. We provide best adhd treatment in India.



Down syndrome details

Down syndrome is a disorder in which an extra chromosome is found in a human.Chromosomes are small “packages” of genes in the body. They determine how a baby’s body forms during pregnancy and how the baby’s body functions as it develops in the womb and after birth.Typically, a baby is born with 46 chromosomes. Down syndrome infants have an additional copy of one of these chromosomes, chromosome 21. Trisomy' is a medical term for having an extra copy of a chromosome. Down syndrome is also called Trisomy 21. This extra copy changes the development of the baby's body and brain, which can cause the baby's mental and physical challenges.

While people with Down syndrome can act and look similar, the abilities of each person are different. People with Down syndrome typically have a slightly-to-moderately low range of IQ (a measure of intelligence) and are slower to talk than other children.

Some specific Down syndrome physical characteristics include:

  • Flattened face, particularly the nose bridge
  • Eyes in the form of almonds that slant
  • Poor tone of muscle or loose joints

*The causes and factors of the risk

The extra chromosome 21 contributes to the physical characteristics and developmental problems that people with Down syndrome can face. Researchers know that an extra chromosome causes Down syndrome, but no one knows for certain why Down syndrome happens or how many different factors play a role.

The age of the mother is one factor that increases the risk of having a baby with Down syndrome. Females who are 35 years of age or older when they become pregnant are more likely to have a Down syndrome-affected pregnancy than females who become pregnant at a younger age.3-5 Though, most Down syndrome-affected babies are born to mothers under the age of 35, as there are many more births to younger women.

For more information about down syndrome treatment you can visit iiahp therapy center.

Autism Treatment in india

Autism Treatment in India

#autism #autismawareness
It is not clear exactly why autism occurs. Research suggests that it can be caused by deficiencies in parts of the brain that interpret sensory input and process language and child improves with early intervention autism therapy.Our autism treatment diagnosis are very effective and children quickly start improving.

Contact:- +91-7419502101

Autism treatment in india

Autism symptoms in children usually become apparent between 12 to 24 months of age. However, the symptoms may also appear before or afterward and our autism therapy techniques are very useful to put child back on track for normal development.

Autism Treatment | IIAHP Therapy Center | Testimonial

Watch this video to hear another inspiring IIAHP Success Story! Call +91 - 7419502101 or visit our website -




by 2 years: can only imitate speech or actions but doesn’t produce words or phrases 2 years: cannot follow simple directions
Up to 2 years: There is an unusual sound of voice & it is difficult to understand them expected for his age
If in childhood your child shows any of these symptoms, please contact us for the best speech therapy.

IIAHP Success Story | Testimonial Video

Watch our newest video to hear from one parent's experience with IIAHP Therapy Center. Website - Contact - +91 - 7419502101.


Special needs children

Special needs children

We speed up Brain growth and development by increasing the frequency, intensity, and duration of visual, auditory and tactile stimulation in accordance with the orderly way in which the special child brain develops.

IIAHP Therapy Center | Foreign Therapies | Home Plan Available

IIAHP Provides Therapies For The Children Of Age Group 2 to 17 Years Old. Many international Techniques under One Roof. We Take New Children All Year.

ADHD Treatment | Hyperactive Child Treatment | IIAHP Therapy Center

ADHD Treatment For The Children Of Age Group 2 To 17 Years Old. All Children Are Improving Here With Our Foreign Based Therapies. Best Results

Speech Therapy | Home Plans Available | IIAHP Therapy Center

We Provide Speech Therapy For The Children Of Age Group 2 To 17 Years Old. Many International Techniques Under One Roof. Best Results With Foreign Therapies

Special Needs Children Treatment | Home Plan Available | IIAHP

We Provide Best Therapies For Special Needs Children Of Age Group 2 To 17 Years Old. Home Programs Also Available For Distant/Foreign Parents.

Speech Therapy | Home Plans Available | IIAHP Therapy Center

We Provide Speech Therapy For The Children Of Age Group 2 To 17 Years Old. Many International Techniques Under One Roof. Best Results With Foreign Therapies