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Ecommerce Builder

Builderfly is the best eCommerce website builder with all the features you need to start, build & grow your eStore. The enterprise functionality & AI-Powered apps helps businesses grow online with 75% less cost & time than other online store builder.

How to Build a Responsive (and Profitable) Ecommerce Mailing List

Without a quality email list, your ecommerce business is dead in the water. Email is hands down the best way to communicate with your audience, build trust and increase sales. Once someone gives you their email address, you have a direct way to communicate with them. Compare this with Facebook. If you’re not actively building your list, you’re missing out on potential customers.

7 Tips for Highly Productive Entrepreneurs

Let’s find out the top seven tips for improving your productivity as a busy entrepreneur. Being an entrepreneur can be a real juggling act. If you aren’t always trying to improve your productivity, it’s just a matter of time before all those balls come crashing down. However, this can smother your creative flow and affect your viability. Take time to consistently decompress – your mind (and business) will much be obliged.

3 Ecommerce Design Mistakes to Avoid

With the advent of ecommerce, consumers are even more inclined to search for and buy products and services online. Many organizations and individuals are selling different products and services online to the point where the competition has gotten fierce and is even getting fiercer as everyone, through their ecommerce sites, fight for the attention of customers.

How to Successfully Redesign your Product Packaging Design Effectively

In the present era, there are a lot of brands and products in the market that you’re putting extra effort into various ways to drive and engage customers and keep them loyal for the brand; Product packaging is one of them. you still need to redesign it after some time to attract more customers and show your old ecommerce store customers that you are still actively involved in making things better for them.

5 Ways to Leverage Youtube Marketing to Improve Sales

There’s no denying it; Video Marketing has been on the rise from the last few years, becoming ever more popular and available for brands. YouTube remains the giant in the space, with people spending a billion hours every day watching videos on this platform. Video adds a totally different dimension to your marketing mix.

5 Proven Ways to Double your Ecommerce Traffic and Conversion without Buying Ads

You’ve launched your eCommerce store, you’ve shared it with friends and family, and now… you wait.

But what happens when the traffic doesn’t come? If there’s no traffic, there are no conversions. If there are no conversions, there’s no profit.

More terrible, what happens if the traffic comes, however, it’s all the wrong people? You know, people who aren’t probably going to part with their money for your products since they’re the wrong segment, the wrong demographic.

Can I boost traffic without buying ads?
Ecommerce is growing at a rate of 23%, year over year, and will only continue to grow, thanks to the availability of mobile devices and the Internet of Things.

Far and away superior — eCommerce sales are relied upon to top $2.4 billion this year. The problem is, it’s hard to rise above the competition without spending a fortune on advertising, right?

That’s a common misconception. Larger retailers with huge budgets will in general throw money at their marketing issues. So smaller retailers without unlimited marketing and advertising funds may feel like they are at a disadvantage.

Luckily, there are plenty of ways to drive traffic and gain customers without breaking the bank.

3 Extraordinary Ecommerce Design Trends you can Implement Today

It doesn’t matter how good your deals are; if your site looks outdated, people will assume your brand is low quality. What’s new today may be outdated tomorrow! If you’re planning to redesign your online store, you must be aware of what’s trending right now in the ecommerce sphere. Here’s a closer look at some of the hottest ecommerce design trends that are going to dominate 2019.

Step By Step Guide on Starting an Online T-shirt Business

Who wants T-shirts? The short answer: Everybody. T-shirts run the gamut from pajamas to office wear. They can be plain as day or impressive with artistic, informational or promotional logos. They can be made of cotton, linen, polyester, wool, or a mix of multiple materials. In case, If you’re thinking about starting a business—and wondering how to begin a T-shirt business explicitly—you should know that it’s a gigantic market, and it’s continuously growing.

However, if you’re thinking about how to start an online T-shirt business, there are various options to go for. Maybe you’re interested in a series of handmade T-shirts to sell online, or possibly you want to address the needs of local businesses with an overwhelming turnover with branded apparel.

Knowing who you’ll offer to will drive every other aspect of your online T-shirt business.

If you want to join the ranks of success stories but are still wondering how to start an online T-shirt business. Then follow the below step-by-step guide:

Glorify The Look of Your Store With Stunning Builderfly Theme

A theme aesthetically represents your brand!
You can talk a lot about your products in the physical store, but with your eCommerce business, it’s a look only, that sells. Do you remember the conversations of that “First Sight Love”? Well, that actually happens for products also. But, don’t you think that the first look of the products should be that fascinating? The color scheme plays a huge role in attracting people to your store. You may be thinking that everyone has different choices, which one of the themes you need to opt for? Quite critical, but you can understand this after understanding the business trends.

How to Choose an Ecommerce Business Model

Choosing and applying the right ecommerce business model might be a bigger challenge than you thought. Especially if you’re new to the industry. Your greatest chance of success starts with knowing which model best fits your target niche, resources, and capabilities.

People still think of the B2C private label model — selling privately branded retail products to individuals — when we talk about ecommerce. But ecommerce has more options than we realize.

Here are 4 major ecommerce classifications and proven models to consider before making a plan.

What is the SEO Strategy for New eCommerce Website - A Guide

The first thing for any e-commerce business is to rank higher than its competitors on the search engines. And for that, the only most effective tool as of now is SEO strategy. A well-planned Search Engine Optimization plan rank your website to the top, guarantee optimum lead generation and increase conversion rates.

Importantly, if your website is not getting clicks, then surely you are missing out on sales opportunities. You can optimize your ecommerce site at any time, whether you are just beginning the business or need to improve the current sales.

When it comes to an ecommerce site, it becomes more significant that your website gets the topmost ranking on the search engines since your business growth totally depends on online sales. Implement a solid SEO tactic that can surely increase your brand impressions, sales, and clicks.

Pro Tips to Turn Your Hobby into a Business

Do you have a hobby that people line up for buying from you? here are a few pro tips to consider for transforming your hobby into a business. We believe that’s the same question that you have been answering since ages. This question started right from your school days and it might be still following you everywhere. From your college intro to your job interview; you answered it for over a zillion of times.

What Makes a Good Ecommerce Product Manager? - Expert View

Thirty percent of US online adults cite that they would consider purchasing from an online retailer they had never recently bought from if the retailer offered detailed product data.

Customers invest more time browsing product buys online before they purchase. This makes quality product content on your ecommerce store more significant than at any time. It’s each of them a piece of a superior client experience, which can prompt an expansion in your ecommerce sales.

This article will examine the numerous advantages of improving your ecommerce product management skills and the strategies expected to do as such.

How to Pick the Perfect Theme for your Builderfly Store

It’s never been easier to start an ecommerce store. Choose a niche, organize your inventory, a few clicks here, and boom! Your online store is open for business.

Still, there’s a big difference between a running and a thriving store. Look no further than the 11.4 million ecommerce sites now selling less than $1,000 per year—and the 1,000 stores pulling $10 million and more. When it comes to ecommerce, Pareto’s 80-20 principle has been jacked up to the extreme.

So what is it that sets apart the best from the rest? How do you get your store into that rarified big-seller air? Acquiring customers quickly, upping your average order value, and fostering brand loyalty are all amazing goals for established stores, however, for new merchants, the best thing you can do right now is choosing a theme that’s right for your store.

If you’re using Builderfly – A leading and fastest-growing ecommerce platform, one of the first steps you’ll take is choosing a theme. Among Builderfly’s many draws is the quality of its themes, with a rigorous submission process that guarantees only the very best make it into the Theme Store. This process narrows the field considerably, yet it still leaves over 25+ free and premium options. Unless you’ve got a few days to check out demos and compare features, you’re going to need some criteria.

What Knowledge is Required to Start an E-Commerce Business?

Ecommerce aside, having the option to show yourself new things is one of the most important skills you can have, period! As an independent business founder, it’s completely critical for success. Beginning, you’ll very likely be a one-individual show answerable for marketing, operations, bookkeeping, IT, graphic design, copywriting and the sky is the limit from there.

6 Profitable E-commerce Values for your Startup

With a growing trend towards digitization, you are already witnessing numerous businesses building their online presence. In the meantime, you might also be launching your ecommerce startup.

Who, according to you, will take more time in succeeding?

You might say, obviously, those offline businesses! Because, they already have their fan followers, so gaining a digital presence works just like a cherry on the cake. Maybe, you are right.

7 Kick-Ass Ecommerce Call-to-Action Examples And Why They Work

Your storefront looks great. You might have spent a lot of time modifying it and ensuring everything flows perfectly. But, without a call to action (CTA), your marketing messages are like shovels without handles. They may be pretty and well-designed, but they’re nearly unusable.

Visitors come to your ecommerce website looking for answers to their questions and solutions to their problems. Unfortunately, many marketers—even those in management positions—love to help people, but they don’t want to “sell them”.

Those afflicted with the idea that selling is somehow evil are prone to see the CTA button or message as a pushy sales tool—one they’re reluctant to use.

How To Easily Create Your Online Store With Builderfly

Digitization took a leap on the businesses across all industries. And, witnessing the potential of online business, numerous traditional businesses are building their online presence. So, if you are launching your idea to this web world, your business journey will be comparatively less critical.

The next tricky turn is choosing the platform that transforms your idea to reality. We know that there are so many options available these days, but that’s also creates confusion. The features of one eCommerce platform never satisfy your business requirements completely. Obviously, you can’t start with all the business portals, as later it will be too hectic to manage.

5 Resources Online Store Owners can Use to Create an Amazing Marketing Content

Regardless of whether you’re just starting an ecommerce business or are searching for additional resources to make your current business processes more powerful, you can’t be a spendthrift – particularly when it is a small business.

Small business demands wise investments in the right resources and not everything that you see others in a similar space utilizing.

Today, there are so many platforms and tools available online to help small ecommerce brands accomplish the highest level of efficiency, and make their presence in the industry. But the real challenge is to know what you need in your toolkit and what you can manage without.

How to Start an Ecommerce Business in a Very Small City?

Accepting that we are a business, beginning a business from the little city for the little city:

It’s simpler to begin a business in a little city as the majority of the ecommerce deal with the commercial center model. In this model, you as the initial step need to persuade and bring the greatest number of merchants you can locally available. It’s simpler as the sellers are in modest numbers and nearness. When you have the merchants covering all the potential territories, you are okay with running as I am accepting that site and other specialized subtleties will be dealt with.

Activities: It very well may be finished with possibly you or with an assistant

Coordination: It tends to be taken care of in-house as I am accepting zone secured won’t be exceptionally huge. An outsider can likewise be sent on the off chance that you would prefer not to keep your legs into numerous shoes.

Marketing: Mostly verbal exchange and flyers.

5 Tricky Ideas To Manage Your Startup With Fulltime Job

Leaving your regular job and starting your own business can be an interesting idea, provided, you have a good financial backup. However, before taking such decisions, you must know that you would no longer receive regular paychecks, there shall be no weekend holidays, and most importantly, you shall be responsible for all your actions.

If you do not have a substantial financial backup, you can consider starting your business along with your regular job. Indeed, it can be a tough road and will require you to do a lot of multi-tasking. Easier said than done though!

Strengthen Your Store With Builderfly's Magnificent Tools

“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.” – Harriet Tubman

From hundreds and thousands of dreams and ideas, there will be this one idea, for which you are madly passionate. And we don’t want you to sacrifice that idea, live that one idea just in a way you always wanted to.

We know there are a lot many things in a business that seems intriguing, but we can streamline the process for you. With Builderfly you can create your eCommerce store in less than 10 minutes and that too without any technical knowledge.

Not sure about the kind of business tools that can actually help you? Don’t worry, just register your business with Builderfly for free, and get access to a 14-day free trial.

How to Make an Online Business of Selling Stationery a Success?

Beginning a stationery store can be such an energizing endeavor. Although individuals today have PCs and electronic gadgets incorporated in their lives, sending stationary for a unique event or a straightforward ‘Card to say thanks’ is immortal, great and shows an uncommon exertion. Is it accurate to say that you are willing to Sell Pens and Stationery Online? At that point, we’ve accompanied a technique with the end goal that you become a champ in selling on the web.

5 Ecommerce Mistakes to Avoid When Selling Online

Running a business is like climbing a mountain.

With so many economical, accessible and customizable platforms, it’s never been easier to create an online store or even sell through established marketplaces like eBay and Amazon that provide their own steady supply of vendors and traffic. Still, it’s just as easy to overlook important details that can hold your online business back.

“Anyone that starts a business has huge dreams, desires, and excitement,” said Terry Lin – The founder of Baller Leather, an online fashion accessories retailer. “But the growth of your ecommerce business depends on the ability to acquire new customers and increase sales from existing ones. Every marketing channel has a cost in time, money or energy — it’s up to you to find the right balance.”

What Does the Marketplace Fairness Act Means for Ecommerce Merchants

The majority of individuals associated with ecommerce business have heard about the new terminology of MFA, the acronym for Marketplace Fairness Act or the Internet Sales Tax Act. MFA implies the latest bill passed in United States Senate and will come in front of the United States Representatives’ house very soon.

If the house passed this act, MFA will mandate every ecommerce retailer involved in selling more than 1 million dollars yearly in states, where they do not possess physical presence to collect related sales tax and make payment of taxes to each of the customers’ state and localized government.