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Updated by Shyam Subramanyan on Mar 15, 2018
George Igor George Igor
Nick Kellet Nick Kellet
8 items   6 followers   17 votes   2.24k views

Consumer Social Inbox Aggregators

Tools and services that aggregate social (and maybe email) streams in one place so it's easy to consume and filter out noise.


Gmail and Google Buzz

Allow users to connect with their friends and aggregate in other signals, such as flickr feed, tweets, and beyond.

Friendfeed (Facebook)

Friendfeeed was the early forerunner in this space. They aggregate streams from a variety of sources (including straight RSS feeds) and allow for users to organize and derive signal.


threadsy is the first truly integrated communications client. see your email, social networks, and twitter in one place.

Seesmic Desktop 2

Pulls in many social network streams including Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Foursquare. Silverlight based and available for Mac and Windows platforms.


A personal news aggregator that makes a sorted list of important tweets and other social signals like Digg, delicious and photos into your Feedera inbox.

Windows Live

Windows Live (including hotmail) offers features that let you know “What’s new with your network”, while they don’t make it easy to add in social signals from other locations, this could be accomplished with partners like Gigya* or Janrain.

AOL Lifestream

All your social updates in one place. Clients available on Mac + PC, Android and iPhone platforms.


Pulls in tweet stream, blog posts, Amazon reviews, and a variety of other data sources to generate signal