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Updated by shivam gupta on Jan 06, 2022
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Sebi Grade A Recruitment

What is SEBI Grade A Officer Exam?
SEBI Grade A is the examination for the post of Assistant Manager. SEBI is a regulator of stock markets in INDIA. The work culture of GRADE A officer will revolve around the preamble of SEBI which is to promote the development of stock exchanges, protect the interest of retail investors, regulate the activities of market participants and financial intermediaries.



RBI Grade B 2019 Notification | Exam Date, Admit Card, Vacancy, Syllabus

RBI Grade B 2019 Notification | Exam Date, Admit Card, Vacancy, Syllabus

RBI Grade B Official Notification 2019

RBI Grade B notification 2019 is expected to be published in the month of August. Most noteworthy 166 Vacancies were released by Reserve Bank of India for the post of General (DR), RBI Officers in Grade B (DR) – (DEPR) and RBI Officers in Grade B (DR) – (DSIM) in 2018. RBI Grade B 2019 Notification will be published in the Newspapers. RBI Grade B 2019 notification is expected to come out in the month of August 2019. All the candidates can download the official RBI Grade b 2019 Notification from the Site of Reserve Bank of India, from the link shared below:

RBI Grade B 2019 Notification Out, Download PDF

Vacancies of RBI Grade B 2018
Firstly, RBI Grade B Official Notification has Released 166 Vacancies which can be shown below-

Post Number of Vacancies
Unreserved i.e., General (GEN/UR) Scheduled Castes (SC) Scheduled Tribes (ST) Other Backward Classes (OBC)$ TOTAL
1. Officers in Grade ‘B’(DR)- General 64 20 10 33 127^
2. Officers in Grade ‘B’(DR)- DEPR 11 4 1 6 22^^
3. Officers in Grade ‘B’(DR)- DSIM 11 (1)* 3# 2 17

$ Candidates belonging to OBC category but coming in the ‘Creamy Layer’ are not entitled to OBC reservation. They should indicate their category as ‘General (GEN)’.

^Out of 127 vacancies for Grade ‘B’ (DR)-General, 5 vacancies are reserved for Persons with Benchmark Disability (PwBD) Category, i.e. 1 vacancy for candidates of blindness and low vision; 1 vacancy for deaf and hard of hearing; 1 vacancy for locomotor disability including cerebral palsy, leprosy cured, dwarfism, acid attack victims and muscular dystrophy; and 2 vacancies for multiple disabilities from amongst persons as detailed below in Para 1 of Note for PwBD candidates.

^^Out of 22 vacancies for Grade ‘B’ (DR)-DEPR, 1 vacancy is reserved for PwBD category under blindness and low vision.

  • Backlog vacancy, # includes 2 backlog vacancies

You can also read about the RBI Grade B job profile and the salary of RBI Grade officer.

(*): Backlog vacancies
(#): includes 2 backlog vacancies - Home | Facebook 1.8K likes. The purpose of this page is to provide relevant material, tests and proper guidance to all the government exam aspirants.

RBI Grade B Topper Interview - All India Rank 6 - ADITYA SOOD RBI Grade B 2018 -

We are extremely pleased to announce that Mr. Aditya Sood Cleared RBI Grade B 2018 under the guidance of Anuj Jindal Sir. Not only this, he got an All India ...


SEBI Grade A

SEBI Grade A

SEBI Grade A Rank is a reputable job, which if you attain (after months and months of rigorous preparation) will be the best thing to happen to you and your career. 


SEBI Grade A Coaching 2022

SEBI Grade A Coaching 2022

Prepare for SEBI Grade A Exam Online with Best SEBI Grade A Online Course Programs. SEBI Grade A Free Study Material is available. Prepare Now!