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Updated by Belomir Petrov on Aug 07, 2019
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NNB Security Agency

Do you own your own Bar/Restaurant/Lounge? Are you planning your next event? Let us provide you with our highly experienced and certified security staff.

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The latest Tweets from NNB Security Agency (@AgencyNnb). NNB Security Company – a team of highly motivated professionals

NNB Security AgencySecurity Guard Service in Alexandria, Virginia

NNB Security Agency - 5393 Summer Leaf Ln, Alexandria, Virginia 22304 - Rated 5 based on 33 Reviews "Met the CEO in an airport today. This guy is here...

Security Company Arlington VA | Security Company Alexandria VA

For us, in NNB Security Company the key word is ‘family’. You may ask why? The truth is: both our agents and clients are like one big family. This is what makes us the best in our business. We are offering certified and very good trained staff with a high quality management. Feel free to contact us anytime.

NNB Security Agency - Security Services - 5393 Summer Leaf Ln, Alexandria, VA - Phone Number - Yelp

NNB Security Agency in Alexandria, reviews by real people. Yelp is a fun and easy way to find, recommend and talk about what’s great and not so great in Alexandria and beyond.

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See what NNB Security Agency (nnbagency) has discovered on Pinterest, the world's biggest collection of ideas.

See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

NNB Security Agency – a team of highly motivated professionals.


Security Service in VA and DC

Security Service in VA and DC

Once you make a contact with NNB Security Company, the only thing you will need to do is express your wishes about the special event. For all security details, the NNB team of highly enthusiastic professional security workers is there.

The seriousness of the agreement about the security level is regarded as something crucial. According to NNB Security Company owners, what is the most significant in business success is to have the right vision. Without it, no prosperity in security business can be achieved.


An innovative security concept of NNB Security company is offered to its clients

An innovative security concept of NNB Security company is offered to its clients

NNB Security offers the newest and most-efficient security concept of protection of clubs, hotels, stores and events to meet the security needs of clients

NNB Security is specialized in building security in Alexandria VA. Its security professionals are coordinated to prevent any unwanted events in a building. They try to maximize the building protection level all the time by careful checking what happens inside and outside the client’s building.

Hotel security in Alexandria VA is very important for both hotel owners and hotel guests. NNB Security staff pays a lot of attention on who comes into the hotel and what happens in the hotel building. All guests are checked and hotel security is constantly at the top security level.

Front desk security in Alexandria VA is one of NNB Security company services which is essential for all NNB security clients. It needs to be constantly carefully doneand NNB Security is always trying to do that in the most adequate way.

Event security in Alexandria VA is one of the services of NNB Security company. People who attend events know that they are protected by NNB security professionals who check who enters the event and what he brings inside. Therefore, nothing unexpected can happen and the protection level is constantly secured.

Pub, lounge & club security in Virginia over the past years proved to be one of the best NNB Security protection services. Its security staff sepcialized in taking the best care on pubs, lounges and clients’ clubs. Everything what happens inside and outside these places is secured by coordinated actions on NNB security teams. So, there is no space left for any unwanted situations which are against the security of pubs, lounges and clubs.


Our Team

Our Team

NNB Security Agency – a team of highly motivated professionals.