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Updated by KKumar09 on May 26, 2020
KKumar09 KKumar09
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Oceans have always been an easy target to dump all the sewage as they are relatively cheaper and found in abundance. But this rampant dumping has led to a littering up of 250 million tons of trash in the seas each year, choking the aquatic life each passing day. Below are the few causes of ocean pollution.

Using Forest Residues as Bioenergy Feedstocks | Posts by Karan Kumar | Bloglovin’

Forest residues can be a feasible alternative for agricultural feedstocks in bioenergy plant. Bioenergy is the type of renewable energy derived from biological sources that can be used to produce heat, electricity, fuel, and their co-products. One of the advantages of forest residue for the Ethanol production process as compared to other second-generation bioenergy sources is that they do not compete for food, such as in the case of corn whose usage in bioenergy programs has been restricted by certain countries due to their importance and demand in the local diet as well as cattle feedstock.