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Updated by Trend Nu on Apr 23, 2024
Headline for Hus og have
Trend Nu Trend Nu
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Hus og have

Her finder du en liste med tips til hus og have. Listen bliver opdateret med tips og tricks, tilbud man ønsker delt med andre. Har du set fantastiske indretninger af hjem eller flotte, smukke havedesigns, så er dette velkommen på listen. Vi vil forsøge at hjælpe alle der søger inspiration til hjemmet eller haven og på den måde gøre listen så spændende som muligt.


Landscaping services in Fife

Landscaping services in Fife

Do you need a landscape design in Fife, Edinburgh, Kirkcaldy or Dunfermline? Or maybe do you have a desire to change or refine something in the existing garden? Then we can be useful to you! Landscape Brothers Company is professionally engaged in landscaping for over 10 years. We carry out all kinds of landscaping from project to service. And no matter in what conditions your garden is - we will help make it a beautiful and unique place.

5 tips til at få skygge på terrassen - DGMA

Cane-Line Parasoller

Vejrudsigten lover sol, sol og atter sol. Selv om vi dansker er vilde med solen, er det nu stadig fornuftigt at komme lidt væk fra den. Med Cane-Line Parasoller finder du ikke kun skygge, men oveni købet skygge fra en meget stilfuld parasol i en meget god kvalitet. Cane-Line Parasoller finder du hos Manilla Aarhus. Ud over Cane-Line Parasoller finder du også et bredt udvalg af havemøbler om det så er loungesæt eller et nyt havebord du trænger til at pifte terrassen op med.

Architectural Digest Home Design Show

March 19-22, 2015 NYC Home Design Show by one of the biggest magazines in the world of architecture.

Brug for et eleftersyne? - Kontakt Vagn O. Electric din lokale elektriker

Eleftersyn i Kolding

Kolding er en fantastisk by, fyldt med dejlige steder og flotte huse. Desværre er det ikke altid sådan at bare fordi et hus ser flot ud, så er det ikke det samme som at der ikke er fejl. Så skulle du have købt et ældre hus. Kan det være en rigtig god ide at få fortaget et eleftersyn. Med et eleftersyn får du en gennemgang af husets elinstallationer samt kontrol af eltavler, stikkontakter, lampeudtag og en række andre tjek. Dette kræver en fagmand. Hvis du gerne vil være sikker på at eleftersynet er udført bedst muligt og bor i Kolding, så er Vagn O. din fagmand på et eleftersyn i Kolding.

Home - The Ace Of Space Blog

I would say the first three months of any given year have always been my favorite in the world of design. It's show season from KBIS to The AD Show. New products are being introduced and as a design writer & blogger I am trying to sort through it all.

Choosing the right carpet cleaner in Fort wayne

Choosing the right Carpet Cleaning expert in Fort Wayne
Every so often your home can use a good deep clean. Your carpets are just one of the parts of your home that would benefit. Think about all of the foot traffic that your carpet sees each and every day. Even if you take your shoes off when you enter the home, flooring in a home can see a lot of wear and tear. You probably don’t have the time to take on the project of Carpet Cleaning yourself. Rest assured, there are a number of carpet cleaner professionals that can make quick work of your dirty, grimy carpets. Don’t hire the first company that you hear about in Fort Wayne. Make sure you do your research so that you are hiring trustworthy and reliable carpet cleaning masters.


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" Bedroom Tips

When lighting a bedroom, you will want to create an overall atmosphre of quiet relaxation while providing some bright spots for reading and other activities. A combination of general and task lighitng that takes into account the age and lifestyle of the occupants is needed.

Important Elements to Consider While Making Modern Kitchen

The interior design of every house symbolizes the importance of presentation and making our homes more than just a living space. No wonder this industry has be…

Courtney Price

Make your home as Unique as you Are

The Ins and Outs of Modern Interior Design

Buying a new home can be an incredibly invigorating experience. Once the closing festivities have run their course, however, families will likely want to develop some decorating ideas that will make the residence their own. Modern interior design techniques will allow most of the rooms to breathe.

Decorate Your Wall With The Collaboration Of Creativity

We all know that when it comes to decorating your home, the first thing that comes to mind is painting the walls. We believe this is an effort inexpensive and at the same time, exhausting process because it takes time to move the furniture in the road, then back to where it belongs after completing painter.

Blog | Denise McGaha Interiors | Denise McGaha, principal of Denise McGaha Interiors, presents a signature look that ...

Denise McGaha Interiors sets precedent for all top interior designers dallas texas has to offer. Author of design blog "Designed with a Deadline," Denise continues to innovate the world of high end interior design.

Contemporary Glass T-Light Holder

Modern white outside and bold colorful inside allowing the candle light bounce off the glossy surface.These glass t-light holders have a chunky glass look and feel to them. They would look fabulous on the fireplace or a windowsill to give an inviting glow to your home.

Fort Wayne Door Garage Doors Fort wayne 1080p 1

Since 1974, Fort Wayne Door has been providing the Fort Wayne area with a complete range of garage door repair, installation, and maintenance services for our customers, both at home and at work.

We make it our mission to provide you with the very best residential and commercial garage door service in the Greater Fort Wayne area! At Fort Wayne Door we do business the old fashioned way: with honesty, integrity and quality work we can stand behind 100%.

Lifetime Fort Wayne resident Gordon Murphy has owned and operated Fort Wayne Door, Inc. for over 35 years. Because we're not a factory-owned store or national franchise chain, we can tailor our products and services to exactly what you want and need - no pushing, no upselling, and no corporate quotas!

Stone In the garden

Stone detail in the garden:Stone is versitile offering colour, texture, style, solidity, creating an atmoshpere & essence within a garden. It can be chipped, sawn, split, riven, brushed, flame textured, honned, sandblasted, polished, fettled, cropped, tumbled, sculpted. Installed crazy, coursed, random, formulated, patterned ..... Traditional & classic, modern, contemporary....

How to Cultivate a Young Gardener

It's never too early to start. I gave each of my children mini garden tools when they were toddlers, and they loved to dig in the dirt. All three were encouraged to garden, but only my youngest, Eden, is a gardener in her own right.

Clean and Prep the Patio

Launder your cushions. Wash or spot clean upholstery. Remove slipcovers and wash them or send them to the dry cleaner, depending on the care instructions. If the fabric still looks bad, it's time to pull out the sewing machine or call the seamstress and have fresh covers made in a weatherproof fabric.

Duralex Picardie glas - klassiske cafeglas og vandglas i hærdet glas fra Duralex

Dette glas er ikke bare en almindelig drikkekop - det er et ikon fra den berømte franske glasproducent, Duralex.

Ved at udsætte glasset for ekstreme temperatursvingninger opnår Duralex en enestående styrke, der gør deres glas op til 6 gange stærkere end traditionelle glas.

Picardie-glasset er stjernen i Duralex-sortimentet. Med sin alsidighed kan det rumme alt fra en varm kaffe til en kølig cocktail. Og det bedste er, at det tåler både mikrobølgeovn og opvaskemaskine.