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Updated by Aarushi Sharma on Oct 16, 2020
Headline for #1 Rated HRMS Software-SHRMpro
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#1 Rated HRMS Software-SHRMpro

Simplifying HRMS with greater Business Intelligence Moving way beyond Papers and Spreadsheets SHRMpro is a technological marvel, a SAAS based model designed to facilitate functional ease to the Human Resources Team of enterprises across industries. This product is cloud based HRMS solution which works as a support system aimed at seamlessly managing an entire gamut of workforce management processes which can be tedious to perform physically.



What is SHRMpro?

What is SHRMpro?

SHRMpro is a Human Resource Management System Software which allows automation of all the HR processes by streamlining the functions in an automatic manner. The software is designed in such a way that the entire employee lifecycle- from ‘Hire-to-Retire’ can be monitored and managed through a highly simplified dashboard for the HR team, the managers and the employees.

It is a SaaS based model designed to facilitate functional ease to the Human Resources Team of enterprises across industries and organizations of all sizes. This product is available both on-cloud and on-premise setups and it works as a support system, aimed at seamlessly managing an entire gamut of workforce management processes which can be tedious to perform physically. It aggressively promotes a simplified work culture among the HR teams to operate in synchronization with user-friendly technology to obtain and manage information in real-time.

It carries out with ease and precision all necessary HR functions like recruitment, onboarding, leave and attendance, roster management, geo-location attendance, payroll, performance, appraisal, etc. Essentially SHRMpro is an employee-focused experience platform- the only HRMS software that understands and facilitates simplification in working for employees. Unlike traditional HRMS, SHRMpro is a modern, new generation platform aimed at user experience and enables easy solutions for complex HR problems in their workflow.

What is HRMS Software?

HRMS is an abbreviation for Human Resource Management System. The HRMS software is an intelligent IT solution which allows improvement in productivity and efficiency of the business processes leading to marked development in employee management owing to the automation of manual processes which saves not just papers but also and more importantly, a lot of time. And in business- time is money HRMS software enables the resources tasked with employee management to utilize the time by focusing on other strategic mission and business-critical works. Modern HRMS ecosystem is often also called as HRIS i.e. Human Resource Information System or HCMS i.e. Human Capital Management System. All these names are primarily focused at the systems that streamline workflow management and navigate the HR team, the manager and most importantly- the employee through their payroll and performance. All HRMS software have varying features and services but there are several common features in every workforce management software which qualifies them as HRMS solution and not mere HRIS or Payroll Software or any other related services, they are- recruitment, leave & attendance, and payroll. These are the most crucial elements for workforce management systems and must haves in HRMS software.

Why is HRMS needed?

HRMS is inevitable in the rapidly growing industrial and corporate world. Managing the employees and taking care of their critical information requires utmost attention. Today it has become the need of the hour to secure a perfect balance and harmony between the processes, the resources, their performance and their confidential data. Therefore, organizations seek a comprehensive, all-inclusive solution to efficiently manage mundane yet critical HR tasks. Having a full-fledged HRMS software helps in ways more than an organizations reckons:

Automates and streamlines business processes and enhances productivity and accuracy.
Accessibility- HRMS makes it easier for the employees, managers and team leaders to access their information and make working more efficient and effective.
It saves a considerable amount of time for all as the scope for manual paper-work is eliminated.
It makes not only recruitment easier but also helps in onboarding on new employees.
Single dashboard gives bird’s eye perspective to the user assessing and monitoring their attendance, work, assignments, other schedules, etc.
User can create important reports on all formats, and also provides statistics for managerial decisions, all very quickly.
It increases employee participation in group activities, such as meetings, conferences, etc. as events are can be seen on the dashboard with notifications.
HRMS also helps in managing finances of the organization.
Data security and integrity is ensured.
HRMS also comes with cost benefits as it becomes a one-time investment with smaller affordable monthly costs for managed services, also enhancing RoI.
Data Integration is an important role played by HRMS. SHRMpro conveniently integrates your data from one HRMS ecosystem to theirs, ensuring no data loss during the transition.


What is the difference between HRIS and HRMS?

Human Resource Management System (HRMS) and Human Resource Information System (HRIS) are the two sides of the same coin, often also treated interchangeable as the same or as another name for the same system. However, there are a few fundamental differences between them.

Human Resource Management System

Focuses on all the HR processes and activities related to an employee from recruitment-to-retirement. This integrates the core HR functioning with candidate or employee tracking. It allows users to perform tasks, analyze critical data trends, create and manage reports. A good HRMS also incorporates the details and functioning of HRIS.

Holds dynamic (subject to change regularly) information like attendance, leaves, payroll, ESS, performance, rosters, appraisal, meetings, other schedules, etc.

Benefits the core HR activities with regulated workflows for internal employee activities and performances.

HRMS becomes more streamlined with automation, making it an interesting process with every data defined for any decision-making by the management, the HR heads of the company, the managers and the team leaders. Considering employee satisfaction is paramount in sustaining a good HR culture supported with HRMS solutions.

Human Resource Information System

The scope is limited to the entire employee information.

Holds static (subject to change less often) information like permanent or current residential address, contact information, educational qualifications and credentials, tax information, official ID numbers and details, tax or official benefits and other such details.

This benefits regular tracking for administration department.

Recruitment management becomes a healthy process with automation- creating job postings, receiving online resumes and applications, hiring workflow, creating and managing candidate resource pool becomes much easy and streamlined.

SOURCE:What is the difference between HRIS and HRMS?

What are some good tips before buying HR software?

Purchasing HRMS software is a big step for any organization and a lot of thinking must go into before making the final selection. Below is the list of what things to look for while choosing the perfect fit for HRMS:

Map your requirements– Have a clear understanding of the number of employees that the software would deal with. Understanding the components and features you require with the type of organization you have as every organization and the sector it belongs to have have different business needs pertaining to employee management and HR processes. You need to identify them and ensure if the software offers the same or not.

Features meet your needs– Make sure before the purchase that the software has all necessary features that your organization requires. Features like recruitment, on-boarding, payroll, performance, appraisal process, leaves and attendance, reports, etc are all provided in the HRMS suite.

Simplified solution– *HRMS software *is synonymous with simplification and if the software doesn’t provide you the assurance of simplicity and outstanding use-experience, there’s no point in making the purchase. The UX should be neat, understandable, all major feature options should be displayed on the single screen for easy access. Language used should necessarily be easy to understand, and most importantly, the user should be able to navigate through the options comfortably.

Integration– It is essential that the HR software you plan on buying must give you integration facility with other systems such as your bio-metric systems for attendance, project management system, CRM, ERP, etc.

SaaS based system available on-cloud is an advantage.

Demo opportunity– although all software companies and vendors offer free-trials and demo and that is necessary to experience. It’s as they say- See it to believe it!

See if it meets the budget and if it exceeds, can you also extend?

Managed services are an important as post implementation issues, software training with updates and bug fixing is a genuine need for successful implementation of HRMS.

Shortlist at east 3-4 software from several vendors and figure out who is giving you the most features, features that you need in the right price category and then finalize.

Must always check the response and ratings for the selected software before finalizing.
SHRMpro is a complete HRMS software designed keeping in mind all the above mentioned key aspects organizations take into consideration before finalizing the HR suite of their requirement. We offer many other value adds to our customers as well.

SOURCE: What are some good tips before buying HR software?

What are the key features of payroll software?

Payroll management software is a great innovation that has been around for a while and has helped organizations and HR teams to function far more efficiently than the traditional paper-based payroll process. Payroll software however, need to have the below mentioned features to be the best-in-class solution:

Integrated Payroll Software– works in collaboration with other HR system like attendance management, bio-metric system, rosters, performance, etc.
Dedicated Payroll Software– works separately as a standalone application and does all the functioning and even beyond. But they can also integrate with HRMS due to customization abilities.
Deployment specific– based on-cloud or on-premises.
Business size specific– varies from organization size, whether SME or a large enterprise.
Target Market specific– based on the industry the organization belongs to.
Payroll management– calculates wages on predefined parameters and schedules.
Leaves management– calculates wages based on approved leaves while in association with attendance as well.
Expense management– calculates wages based on loans, advances, deductions, etc.
Bonus and perks management– for all the additional benefits employees are subjected to.
Income Tax and Deductions– does pre- and post-income tax deductions such as TDS.
Regulatory Compliance– tax deductions made in compliance to the state or central regulatory laws.
Reports, pay slips & forms– creates payroll based reports, employee salary-slips and offers regulatory forms like Form-16, Form 12BA, 12C, etc.
Records– centrally maintains all employee records and documents.
Notifications and Alerts– sends real-time and scheduled messages to the employees via SMSes, dashboard notifications, etc.
Mobility– modern payroll software also offers mobile version for its users for better connectivity and easy access.
ESS– are meant for easy access of all payroll related information for every employee’s use individually.
Employee organization by pay-grade– this is to distinguish employees based on their pay scale and position in the organization for efficient payroll processing.
Supports how employees are paid– the software should be designed to the variety of how employees are paid, it could be directly to account salaries, through cheque or cash. Paid on monthly basis weekly wages, etc.
Value Offerings:
Scalability of employee size
Data Security
Accuracy with no scope for errors
Easy implementation both on-cloud and on-premise
Short learning curve
Fully directive of the parameters
Smart Upgrades
Easy maintenance and low costs
Managed support from the back-end
SHRMpro is an all-inclusive, well-integrated, available both on-cloud and on-premise HRMS software offering payroll management as a distinct module with all the above mentioned features and value offerings to its customers, suitable for organizations of all sizes and every industry.

SOURCE: What are the key features of payroll software?

What is Employee Leave Management System?

*Employee Leave management * is one of the most regular yet most crucial of tasks for the HR department of any company. There are various types of allotted or stipulated leaves, some leaves are planned, some are unplanned, some could be medical leaves, some could be casual. All these leaves however need to be monitored for all the employees for proper functioning of the employee management.

Employee Leave management system is a comprehensive system that allows the HR team to keep a track of all the leaves consumed by the employee(s) along with the supporting documents. Not only just absenteeism, leave management system when offered as an integral part of a wholesome HRMS solution like SHRMpro- it also broadens the horizon for integration with other HRMS systems such as Rosters, Attendance, Payroll, etc.
Productivity is yet another area which gets affected with shifting leaves consumed by employee every month. With the help of employee Leave Management system, organizations can keep a tab on all the employees faltering for loss of productivity and can process appropriate appraisal.
How employee leave management system benefits the HR/Admin teams:
Saves time with paperless functioning, avoiding excessive paper-work.
Eliminates manual labor.
All-in-one dashboard to support all leaves related information.
Statutory compliance friendly.
Monitor employees leave pattern.
Seamless integration with other HRMS processes.
Easy detailed report generation at the snap of the fingers.
Better communication owing to real-time information access.
Customization for required fields for data entry
Available both on-cloud and on-premise
Auto-update leave balance

SOURCE: What is Employee Leave Management System?

Why leave management is important?

Organizations can falter in productivity due to employees taking unplanned or just too many leaves. Although sudden issues can crop up with anyone, anytime but organizations have to keep a clear record of all the leaves taken by the employees in order to maintain proper working with constant efficiency month-by-month. Leave management is important because:
In business, time is money. Inconsistent leave policies through the organization often causes huge costs to the company.
Often unplanned leaves can lead to skipping deadlines and targets, and of course money.
Keeping employees bereft of their legal right to entitled paid leaves monthly/annually can also create ruckus later on.
Roster management, ad-hoc placements, guest participation, etc. can be arranged in time for emergency situations.
Employees need to plan their long leaves well in advance and having a streamlined, automated system to manage leaves and accommodate work situation in advance proves for a great work ethic and simplified work process in the organization.
When there is a proper channel; through which employees go for their application for leaves and can access their information independently, absenteeism is reduced and transparency increases manifold. So does productivity and employee self-awareness.
A major boost and in some cases, reality-check is given to the employees on their attendance and performance vis. their leaves account.
There are several such issues which can be completely avoided wherever necessary and completely taken care of with application of a smart leave management system like *SHRMpro *which also offers system integration for enhanced efficiency.

SOURCE: Why leave management is important?

How do you control Employee Leave?

Employee Leave management consists of several crucial processes, Leave management being one of them. Employee leaves affect both performance and monthly salary hence, to ensure that both the processes run without any glitches, it is important to keep up with the following ways:
Create a clear and uniform leaves policy applicable for the entire organization. HR teams should always create a comprehensive list of official holidays, week-offs, number of casual (CL) and earned leaves (EL) an employee can consumer every month. Ensure that the list of minimum days of leaves employees can avail is also made available to them.
Take a record of the leave application for clarity, i.e. to have a written application or have it on as a document for future reference.
Should have a minimum leave notice period i.e. set a number of days prior to which the application can be made.
However, be considerate and open to leaves taken in emergency, because humans are prone to uncalled for situation at times. Empathy goes a long way in retaining resources.
Automation of Payroll or** HRMS solution for better leave data management; this helps in gathering all the applications and related data under one head. **SHRMpro seamlessly automates, streamlines, integrates with other HRMS processes and simplifies leave management process for the organizations to be able to map performances, productivity, process payrolls and offer appraisals.
Streamline the holidays/vacations leave application system to avoid any surprises related to acceptance or rejection of the leaves well within time.
Keep the employees informed about their updated leaves balance sheet.

SOURCE: How do you control Employee Leave?

Attendance Management using HRMS

Attendance management isn't about recording the 'absent' and 'present' of the employees. There's a lot to it than meets the eye. Since attendance marking is an essential daily activity, it often gets unnoticed how much efforts and precision it takes to process payroll and map monthly performances and get it all done on time. Manually monitored attendance or done using any yesteryear practice like punch-ins or register entries makes the whole system redundant and certainly less efficient in the age of technology. 

Managing attendance also means that you not only take care of the daily employee presence but also their leaves. And not to forget the timings, the entry and exit time, the number of breaks taken in-between to step out; this practice also helps in understanding the employee behavior and their approach towards work that directly affects their performance and in future, their appraisal. 
Attendance management software automates the entire process where they integrate themselves with the bio-metric systems, the specific time or entry-day breaks-exit are captured, geo-location attendance is captured for the employees on out-duty and even those working from remote location is captured and the number of hours worked a day are also registered, thus automating and streamlining the entire processing of attendance without any additional resources put dedicatedly on this.
Modern attendance management solutions *could come in as separate suites or as part of a comprehensive HRMS solution like *SHRMpro which is easy to use, have ESS for employees to manage their attendance and can also raise tickets in case there are any discrepancies.

SOURCE: Attendance Management using HRMS

What is Payroll Management System?

Payroll management system is a collective process consisting of several other modules of HRMS and can be used by organizations of all sizes to manage payroll processing. A software which manages salaries, TDS, PF, EMIs, bonuses, etc. as a cohesive mix is payroll management system, and automation enables a clear-cut and seamless functioning. A modern payroll management system entails of the following components to ease the HR team functioning:

Payroll Compliance in association with ESI, PF, professional taxes, labour welfare fund, loans, EMIs, etc.
Automated Payslips
Slab allocation as per the CTC
Preview payroll before final run
Paperless and hassle-free functioning
Seamless integration with other HRMS modules like attendance and leaves, etc.
Fully automated HRMS solution with availability on-cloud.
Organizational size adjustable
Zero ambiguity
Dedicated managed services

SHRMpro is designed to stay relevant to the organizational needs of running an impeccable, error-free payroll for companies of all pursuits and sizes. HR teams are sure to have comfortable time with handling most critical to the easiest of issues with an all-inclusive HRMS solution known for its Payroll Management solutions par excellence. You need to use it to believe it. Call for free demo today!

SOURCE: What is Payroll Management System?