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Updated by Joanna James on May 02, 2024
Headline for Knee Boarding Tips For Beginners
Joanna James Joanna James
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Knee Boarding Tips For Beginners

Kneeboarding, the thrilling, boat towed water sport is a perfect blend of wakeboarding and surfing. This is adrenaline kicking sport to conquer the crystal blue waters of Maldives. You may follow these easy steps to become a well-trained Kneeboarder in just a few hours.


Find the best place for Kneeboarding in the Maldives

Maldive's beautiful shores add up to the pride of the contemporary country. The various beaches which surround the city are being used for different kinds of watersports. The year-round weather and the pleasant, warm waters make it a perfect place for water-based adventures. The coastal line is home to many beach parks, watersport centres, walking tracks, and children's play areas. Kneeboarding is among the modern adventurous sports, most preferred by thrill lovers. Kneeboarding is also one of the top famous watersports offered at many a Maldives luxury hotel, the likes of Naladhu Private Island Maldives. Once you select the watersport centre and register yourself, you will be trained by a professional instructor who would guide you, whether or not you are a beginner.


What you need to start

Kneeboarding is one of the watersports that requires the proper organization of equipment and logistics. You need a boat, a driver, ropes, a board, and a spotter who will guide you with safety signals. There are different types of boards that could be used depending on the water condition and your level of improvement. Luckily, the watersport centres are well equipped with all of these items. The trainer will also teach you the hand signals to communicate with the driver and the spotter. They will teach you the basics to start with such as, how to hold the handle, the proper body position for starting, proper body position to maintain while boarding, and many more.


Get started

Get into the water and lie flat on your stomach on top of your kneeboard. The board tip must be up and pointed towards the board. Position your elbows where your knees need to be. Balance the board with the use of your elbows. Hold the handle with a good grip. You can now signal the driver that you are ready. The driver will slowly accelerate. Bring your knees up to your elbow, and into the knee wells. Always make slow movements gradually. When your knees are well positioned, sit up straight and spread your hands off from the board. Secure the strap and keep a good balance of the board at all times. Do not try to get into the board too quickly, it comes with practice.


Get going

Now you are in the game! You can try a few tricks and learn how to steer the kneeboard. With time, you will start improving yourself and be trained for more tricks such as kneeboard single wake crossing, kneeboard double wake crossing, side slide, reverse side slide, tricks with front to back, backward steering, and many more. As you get more experienced, you may also try a few harder tricks such as dock starts, jump the wake, and even get into competitions.


Be aware of the possible injuries

As much as how entertaining it could be, Kneeboarding may also leave with you some memories of terrible pains and bruises, if proper care is not taken. As with any other sport, Kneeboarding should also begin with stretching. Maintaining proper posture as per the guidelines given by your trainer will also save you a lot of trouble. Most importantly, if you experience any pain or discomfort while you are on the kneeboard, signal it to the spotter before it gets any worse.