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Updated by Common Ground Ecology on Aug 30, 2019
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Wildlife Ecology and Conservation - Common Ground Ecology

Common Ground Ecology helps government agencies and landowners to develop workable, science-based plans that balance the needs of wildlife and natural lands with land use issues. We develop fair, honest and comprehensive assessments and strategies that protect Florida lands, native wildlife and the people those systems impact.

Community Ecologist

Our community ecologist help to develop the strategies with custom designed for landowners to maximize their land value while protecting their natural resources. We protect Florida lands, native wildlife and the people those systems impact.

Conserve Florida Ecology

We help government agencies and landowners to conserve Florida ecology by developing the strategies designed for landowners to maximize their land value while protecting their natural resources.

Gopher Tortoise Permitting

Common Ground ecology has highly qualified staff provide gopher tortoise permitting and training courses. For more information, visit our website!

Conserve Florida Ecology

Common Ground Ecology design strategies that protect Florida lands, native wildlife, and the people those systems impact by conserving Florida ecology. Contact us now!

Wildlife Ecology and Conservation

Common Ground Ecology helps government agencies and landowners to develop workable, science-based plans that balance the needs of wildlife ecology and conservation with land use issues. We develop fair, honest, and comprehensive assessments and strategies that protect Florida lands, native wildlife, and the people those systems impact. For more information, visit our website!

Florida scrub-jay Permitting

We help landowners and developers to navigate the florida scrub-jay permitting process in a way that benefits all. Find a solution with the common ground ecology. Contact us!

How Burmese Pythons have impacted the Everglades Florida ecosystem? |

The Florida Everglades are well-known throughout the world, with alligators as conceivably their most renowned inhabitants. The Everglades is home to a wide variety of local wildlife. Over 350 bird species occupy the ecosystem, together with both wading birds and migratory birds’ However, there is a new predator named as Burmese Python in town and is causing destruction on this remarkable Florida ecosystem. However, over time, they make their way into the Everglades because of premeditated release from overwhelmed owners or by unintentional runoff from their homes.

Gopher Tortoise Permitting

Are you looking for the gopher tortoise permitting in Florida? We design courses to certify passing students in one FWC authorized gopher tortoise agent activity or provide vital contextual background information.

How to identify Gopher tortoise Burrow?

Are you familiar with Gopher tortoise Gophers Polyphemus? If yes, you have most likely seen or listened about their characteristic burrows. They dig their burrows in the well-drained and sandy soils throughout the southeast. Gopher tortoise burrow is average 6-8 feet in depth and fifteen feet in length. However, they provide habitat for over 350 species and are considered as important ecosystem engineers. Therefore Gopher tortoises’ nests and their burrows are sheltered by the Florida law. Burrows, or any land surrounded by 25 feet of a burrow, cannot be disturbed without a Florida Fish as well as Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) gopher tortoise relocation authorize.

Gopher Tortoise Recipient Site

Are you searching the gopher tortoise recipient site? We design courses to certify passing students in one FWC authorized gopher tortoise agent activity or provide vital contextual background information on the biology and ecology of tortoises.

Are you looking for the best wildlife ecology in Florida? We develop fair, honest and comprehensive assessments and strategies that protect Florida lands, native wildlife, and the people those systems impact.

Guidelines for Gopher Tortoise Permitting

Gopherus Polyphemus also is known as Gopher tortoise permitting guidelines have been created by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC). This gives a complete outline of FWC’s Gopherus Polyphemus permitting method. It is used as one tool to achieve the objectives and goals set into view in FWC’s Gopher Tortoise Management Plan.

Gopher Tortoise Permitting

Common Ground ecology has highly qualified staff provide gopher tortoise permitting and training courses. We help landowners and developers to navigate Florida scrub-jay permitting and relocation process in a way that benefits all. For more information, visit our website!