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Top 10 DevOps Tools You Must Know In 2019

DevOps is not a tool or a software, it’s a culture that you can adopt for continuous improvement. It will help you to bring your Developer Team and Operations Team on the same page, allowing them to work together with ease.


GIT: Don’t Worry Keep Updating

GIT is a version control system which allows you to track changes in your file and, by using it you can easily coordinate the work among your team

• Free-Open Source Tool

    •   Feature Branch Workflow

    •   Allows Distributed Development

    •   Supports Pull Request

    •   Enables Faster Release Cycle

JENKINS: A Tool from Developers for Developers

Jenkins is a continuous integration server written in Java. You can use it for testing and reporting changes in near real time. Being a developer, it will help you to find and solve bugs in your code rapidly and automate the testing of their build.

• Free Open-Source Tool

• Integrate all your DevOps stages with the help of around 1000 plugins

• Script your pipeline having one or more build jobs into a single workflow

• Easily start your Jenkins with its WAR file

• Provides multiple ways of communication: web-based GUI, CLI and REST Api


SELENIUM: Automation Doesn’t Kill Bugs, People DO

Well, Selenium is a portable software testing framework for web applications. It provides you with an easy interface for developing automated tests.

• Free Open-Source Tool

• Create robust, browser-based regression automation suites and tests

• Write test scripts in multiple languages like Java, Python, C#, Ruby, Perl, Php, JavaScript

• Supports Multiplatform for testing like ios and Android

• Easy to build a keyword driven framework for a WebDriver


DOCKER: Build, Ship & Run Your Software Anywhere

A lightweight tool which uses container to package up an application with all the requirements and dependencies before shipping the complete container as one package

• Use Docker container with any language

• Ship the container wherever you want, be it QA, your team or even the cloud

• Scale up to 1000’s node

• Update with zero downtime


Puppet: Deploy, Configure and Manage Your Servers

An open-source configuration management tool, use to automate the method of inspecting, delivering and operating your software across the entire lifecycle with platform independency.

• Based on master-slave architecture

• Open-source tool

• Long commercial track record


Chef: Manage your data, attributes, roles, environments, and cookbooks

Chef is a powerful configuration management automation tool using which you can transform infrastructure into code.

• Another open-source configuration management tool

• Supports multiple platforms like AIX, RHEL/CentOS, FreeBSD

• Easy to integrate with cloud-based platforms

• Active, smart and fast-growing community support


Ansible: Manage your data, attributes, roles, environments, and cookbooks

Ansible is an open-source tool which provides one of the simplest ways to automate your apps and IT infrastructures such as network configuration, cloud deployments, and creation of development environments.

• Open source configuration management tool

• Supports push configuration

• Based on master-slave architecture

• Completely agentless and uses simple syntax written YAML


Nagios: Keep a Track of Your Logs

Nagios is a powerful monitoring system which enables you and your organization to identify and resolve IT infrastructure problems before they affect critical business processes.

• Monitors and troubleshoot server performance issues

• Plan infrastructure upgrades before outdated systems cause failures

• Automatically fix problems when detected


ELK Stack: Don’t Miss Out Important Insights from Your Logs

ELK is a combination of three powerful, opensource tool: Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana used to collect insights out of your logs or data.

• Open Source tool with multiple plugins

• Lightweight tool, easy to deploy

• Perform search in near-real time

• Collects and Analyse logs from an excel file to a database or server

• Active and Supportive discussion forum


Splunk: Keep a Track of Your Logs

Splunk is a software platform to search, analyze and visualize the machine-generated data or logs gathered from the websites, applications, sensors, devices etc. which make up your IT infrastructure and business.

• Store, search, analyze and visualize the machine-generated data

• Ingest data in multiple file format

• Create knowledge objects for operational intelligence

• Monitors business metrics to get log insights