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Updated by Tim McDonald on Oct 10, 2017
Headline for Fans of Ally Greer
Tim McDonald Tim McDonald
10 items   15 followers   4 votes   514 views

Fans of Ally Greer

Ally Greer, community manager at Scoopit, has a ton of fans. Are you one? Add a link to your Twitter profile so she knows who you are. Then connect with the other fans of @AllyGreer

Jonathan Brewer (houseofbrew) on Twitter

The latest from Jonathan Brewer (@houseofbrew). loving husband & father | problem solver | lateral thinker | entrepreneur | Director of Awesome | #PRSCamp Counselor | #smcmke President | #CMGRHangout copilot. Milwaukee, WI

Cedar Brown (CedarBrown) on Twitter

The latest from Cedar Brown (@CedarBrown). Agency PR/Social Media young buck. Love cooking, country music, fitness, sports, whiskey, trying new things, Sconnie sports. Go Packers! Find me at @Z2Marketing. Milwaukee - Waukesha, WI

Jeff Carroll (jeffcarroll) on Twitter

The latest from Jeff Carroll (@jeffcarroll). Community Manager at @littlebigfund + @g33k_talk | bowler | #vegan #cmgr #cmgrchat #cmgrhangout. NYC

Tim McDonald - @tamcdonald

Purveyor of Purpose. Human with a heart. Recovering marketer. Purposeful connector. Proud LIFEaholic. #LIFEworking

Nick Kellet - @NickKellet

Co-founder @Listly. Founder @Gifttrap & @AnswerSets (now BOBJ/SAP). I create & curate ideas. Love software & games. Community builder ENFP

Jonathan Brewer - @houseofbrew

loving husband & father | problem solver | lateral thinker | entrepreneur | Director of Awesome | | #PRSCamp Counselor | #smcmke President

Josh Krakauer | @JHKrak | #teamally creator

social web guy // @wearesculpt co-creator // @uiowa alum // shi-cah-go native // iowa city transplant

Bettina Sferrino - @bettinasays

Community manager at @HabitatGSF. New to Bay Area. Lover of food/equality/sustainability. LA native, former Washingtonian. Views here my own, etc.

Krysta Gahagen - @krystaelaine

let's talk: san francisco, data, social media, CRE, analytics, photography, unc, food. check out @motionloft, while you're at it.

Sherrie Rohde - @sherrierohde

UX / CM @sweettooth, @magento Moderator + @myCMGR #CMOTD curator. I'm an ENFP, a little quirky and a little spunky. 