Although Bitterns are not as famous or as beloved as doves, they are none the less one of the most interesting species known to inhabit the venue. Cinnamon Bitterns, Yellow Bitterns and Black Bitterns are the only three species of Bitterns visible at the Kurunegala Bird Park. When it comes to Herons, however, the park is home to more than 5 varieties. The Indian Pond Heron, Black-crowned Night Heron, Purple Herons and Malaysian Night Herons are among the leasing heron types at the park while Striated Herons and Grey Heron are also known to cross the paths of birders exploring the sanctuary. Egrets are also part and parcel of the park's ecosystem and visitors can catch more than a fleeting glimpse of Western Reef Egrets, Great Egrets and Little Egrets in addition to Intermediate Egrets and Cattle Egret.