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Updated by Marilyn Jensen on Jun 23, 2019
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7 Reasons to Get a Central Vacuum Cleaner

Why Install a Central Vacuum? There are many benefits that you and your family will experience as you install your central vacuum system. Here is a list of the major ones:


More Power

More Power

Because of their additional power and flow, central vacuum systems pick up the dust and dirt particles that are deep inside the carpet including dust and debris. Central vacuums also able to pick up microscopic particles like mold spores, dust mites, and pollen.


Air Quality

Air Quality

A central vacuum’s main unit is installed in a garage or basement, well outside the living area of the home. This greatly improves the air quality in the house because the dust, pollen, and other harmful particles are removed from the home and not circulated back into the air. The University Of California Davis School Of Medicine found that allergy sufferers’ symptoms can be improved up to 61% alone by using a central vacuum.




A central vacuum’s main appeal is the lack of carrying around a heavy machine. All you carry is a lightweight hose and the vacuum head or attachment. That’s it! Outlets for connecting to the system are installed conveniently all through the home, so there is always a convenient connection nearby.


Investing In Your Home

Investing In Your Home

Installing a central vacuum will add up to $1500 or more to your home depending on the real estate market in your area. The central vacuum, therefore, is a selling feature in your home should you need to put your house on the market in the future.


Easy Installation

Easy Installation

Even if your home is already built, installing a central vacuum is easier than it sounds and your central vacuum will be up and running in a short time. Call us today to arrange for an estimate for your installation!




Most central vacuums are installed for less than purchasing a similar powered high end or name brand vacuum cleaning solution for our home. Because it is used for a long time and is a durable solution, the wisdom of the investment in a central vacuum system is clear. Call us today!


Quiet Operation

Quiet Operation

Since the motor and main power unit for the vacuum is installed far away, the vacuum is extremely silent while in use. This means that resting family members are left undisturbed as you clean the home around them!