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DWI Attorneys Texas

Our firm is led by attorney Tommy E. Swate. A lifelong resident of the Tyler area, he has more than 30 years of experience as a lawyer. Throughout his career, he has defended ordinary people accused of crimes, and he has helped hundreds of people from all walks of life to fight for their futures when they are accused of drunk driving offenses.

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Texas State DWI Laws

If you have been charged with a DWI in Texas, our goal is to help you. With hundreds of satisfied clients, we take our jobs seriously. Take a moment today and contact us for a FREE case evaluation. In the meantime, feel free to review the following explanation of a DWI in Texas.

Alcohol offenses are serious. A DWI in Texas State can result in several issues for charged citizens. And unfortunately, some employers may even be forced to terminate employees who are convicted of drunk driving due to insurance requirements, but there are a number of ways to fight your pending DWI charges.

If you are convicted of a DWI charge in Texas, you may face:

Jail Time

Loss of Driving Privileges or a Suspended Driver’s License

Substantial Fines

Higher Insurance Premiums

Installation of an ignition interlock device

Permanent Criminal Record

This list of consequences is daunting at best, but our team of dedicated Texas DWI attorneys in will fight on your behalf. Whether challenging the legality of your traffic stop, arrest, or breathalyzer results, or negotiating a reduced charge to keep you out of jail, our team is ready to explore every option for the best outcome in your specific case. For a free DWI case analysis, contact our team right now. We’re always here, and ready to help you.


I don’t feel drunk! Isn’t that the same thing as intoxication? If you are facing a DWI charge, a Texas DWI lawyer can explain exactly what intoxication means under state law. Oftentimes, bars and other commercial establishments will have a machine where you can plunk in fifty cents or a dollar, blow into a straw. The machine will them provide you with a reading of the alcohol content from a breath test. Some people rely on this reading to determine whether they are okay to drive.


Criminal Attorney in Texas

At the Tyler, Texas, office of Tommy E. Swate, Attorney at Law, P.C., we work exclusively with DUI/DWI defense. We know the law and the procedures, and we know the strategies to help you defend your driver’s license, your freedom, and your future.

Contact the Law Office of Tommy E. Swate, Attorney at Law, P.C. 24/7 to learn how we can fight for you and request your no-cost consultation!

We the best criminal attorney in Houston handle virtually every type of criminal offense that a person may be accused of, in State, Federal, or Juvenile Court. When you work with a lawyer at our offices, we will use all of our knowledge and resources in the fight to protect your Constitutional rights and interests to the fullest extent of the law.

What does DUI Unlaw Bld Alch mean? Call SWATE Attorney: (713) 377 4860 - Swate Law

It means that your friend was arrested for DUI and it reads as though a blood test showed an unlawful blood alcohol content (above .08)


DWI Detection Process

DWI Detection Process

The federal government created the DWI detection process over 30 years ago, and have been training police officers in that process ever since. The process is broken down into three phases, and the arrest/no arrest decision is supposed to be based off an accumulation of information learned through all three phases. If you are in need of a highly-skilled Swate criminal defense attorney, or Houston criminal defense attorney contact us right now for a free, no-obligation case evaluation.

The first phase of a DWI occurs before you likely even know you are being investigated for a DWI. Phase I is Vehicle In Motion. During the phase, the officer is supposed to watch your vehicle for signs of impairment such as weaving, failing to use turn signals, driving more than ten miles under the posted speed limit, and more. The officer is not required to pull you over immediately after seeing you commit a traffic offense, but can follow you for a time to see if you commit multiple moving violations. Of course, if the officer’s concern is for your safety, and the safety of the motoring public, he will likely stop you right away if he believes your driving places you or the public in danger.




If you get arrested for a DWI, call me. I will be glad to answer every question you may have and then educate you even more for the steps ahead. You don’t have to deal with this situation alone. Contact a DWI defense attorney who can stand beside you throughout the police investigation and in court, if necessary. Call Swate Attorney at Law today.

Blood and breath results are not “proof.”

Although they are often seen as golden pieces of evidence that DWI cases hang on, blood alcohol tests and breath tests are not always accurate at determining your level of intoxication.


What does DUI Unlaw Bld Alch mean? Call SWATE Attorney: (713) 377 4860

It means that your friend was arrested for DUI and it reads as though a blood test showed an unlawful blood alcohol content (above .08)

Texas officially uses the term “driving while intoxicated” (DWI) instead of “driving under the influence” (DUI).

However, some people still use DWI and DUI interchangeably to refer to drunk or drugged driving.

Texas’s DWI laws prohibit all motorists from operating a motor vehicle:

with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of .08% or more, or

while intoxicated by drugs or alcohol.

Generally, you are considered “intoxicated” if you “lack the normal use of mental or physical faculties” as the result of ingesting alcohol, drug or any other substance.
Texas also has Zero tolerance laws making it illegal for underage drivers (those under 21 years old) to get behind the wheel with any detectable amount of alcohol in their system.



Pursuant to Texas Transportation Code your commercial driving privilege will be disqualified for one year (three years if transporting hazardous material required to be placarded) if you refuse to submit to a test to determine your alcohol concentration or the presence in your body of a controlled substance or drug while operating a motor vehicle in a public place; or if an analysis of your breath or blood determines that you had an alcohol concentration of 0.08 or more while operating a motor vehicle, other than a commercial motor vehicle, in a public place


In the mid ’70s the Stockton, California city conducted a survey regarding DWI arrests. Thereafter, the Stockton Police started conducting intensive DWI enforcement and recording the results. They tried to develop ‘programs’ to detect intoxicated drivers.


Arrested for Drunk Driving in Fort Bend? Tommy (713)377 4860

We recognize the severity of a drunk driving arrest, whether it is for misdemeanor DWI, felony DWI, felony intoxication assault, or felony intoxication manslaughter. I have prosecuted all these types of cases, and I can use this firsthand experience when building your defense. Because I know how to put these cases together, I also know how to take them apart.

Without proper representation, you could immediately lose your driver’s license, be wrongly convicted, be subjected to expensive Department of Public Safety-imposed surcharges and incur increased auto insurance for years to come. If you have been arrested for a DWI, contact my firm immediately to start your defense. Don’t wait to find excellent legal representation. If you are currently faced with DWI charges, call 713 377 4860! SWATE LAW


Arrested for Drunk Driving in Fort Bend? Tommy (713)377 4860

We recognize the severity of a drunk driving arrest, whether it is for misdemeanor DWI, felony DWI, felony intoxication assault, or felony intoxication manslaughter. I have prosecuted all these types of cases, and I can use this firsthand experience when building your defense. Because I know how to put these cases together, I also know how to take them apart.

Without proper representation, you could immediately lose your driver’s license, be wrongly convicted, be subjected to expensive Department of Public Safety-imposed surcharges and incur increased auto insurance for years to come. If you have been arrested for a DWI, contact my firm immediately to start your defense.

Immediate Consequences

The state of Texas has an administrative license revocation (ALR) process. Essentially, you have a mere 15 days to contest the automatic suspension of your driver’s license, which will occur independently of any criminal proceedings. Don’t wait another moment before contacting the SWATE LAW to begin the process of defending your driving privileges with our DWI lawyer Houston.

Fighting for Your Rights & Freedom

Don’t wait to find excellent legal representation. If you are currently faced with DWI charges, call 713 377 4860! SWATE LAW




When you have been arrested on suspicion of drunk driving, you may feel overwhelmed by the legal system. You need an experienced lawyer on your side, to help you understand your legal options and fight for your rights…and your freedom!

Tommy E. Swate, Attorney at Law, P.C, works legal matters related to DWI lawyer in Texas. By concentrating on this one type of case, Swate has developed a thorough understanding of the DWI/DUI law, the defense process and the strategies that can help you fight for your future and freedom...

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Auto Safety Push for Mandatory Ignition Interlock Devices for All DWI Offenders

DWI cases are complex and can impact virtually every aspect of your life. If you have been arrested for DWI, you need to find competent and reliable legal representation immediately.

Tommy E. Swate, Attorney at Law have extensive experience handling and protecting the rights of clients, and we can help you obtain the best possible outcome under the circumstances of your case.

Depending on whether it is your first offense or a subsequent offense, the penalties will vary. Part of the punishment may include having an IID installed on your vehicle. This device is a machine that is connected to the vehicle’s steering column and requires the driver to blow into a breathalyzer to determine BAC.

A DWI conviction can have far-reaching consequences for your life, which is why you should do everything in your power to avoid such a conviction. If you have been charged with a DWI, it is vital to contact a skilled Tommy E. Swate, Attorney at Law who can help you explore your legal options and build a competent defense in your case. As you may expect, the DWI penalties become more severe with each subsequent offense.

At our firm, we understand the nuances of this area of law and are prepared to vigorously defend you every step of the way. For a free consultation with one of our lawyers, please call us at 832-702-7599 or contact us online today.


The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration recognizes three specific field sobriety tests.

DWI charges should never be taken lightly. If you have been arrested and charged with driving while intoxicated (DWI) because you failed a field sobriety test, highly skilled Tommy E. Swate, Attorney at Law can help. Just because you failed the test does not automatically mean you were intoxicated and it certainly does not mean you will be convicted in court. With extensive experience in this area of law, our attorneys understand which defenses to use in your case.

If you have been charged with drunk driving, whether it is your first offense or a subsequent offense, Tommy E. Swate, Attorney at Law can protect your rights throughout your case. Remember, being charged with a DWI is an extremely serious matter, which is why an experienced attorney who has in-depth knowledge of the procedures and protocols surrounding field sobriety tests should represent you. We are ready to speak to you regarding your case so please do not hesitate to call us at 832-702-7599 or reach out to us online.

DWI Attorney Houston,Texas . DWI Defense Lawyer . DWI in Texas

DWI attorney Houston, Texas.Dwi defense lawyer Houston, Texas. Call the Houston DWI in Texas 713-377-4860 free consultation with our criminal defense lawyer.

DWI/DUI Defense in Houston,Texas | DUI in Houston,TX

dwi/dui defense in Houston,Texas. Dui in Texas,Houston.If you are facing DWI charges, it’s important to start your defense right away. Call Swate Attorney at Law, at 713-377-4860

DWI Attorney Houston,Texas . DWI Defense Lawyer . DWI in Texas

DWI attorney Houston, Texas.Dwi defense lawyer Houston, Texas. Call the Houston DWI in Texas 713-377-4860 free consultation with our criminal defense lawyer.

DUI Attorney Houston,TX

DUI Defense Attorney Houston, Texas. DUI Attorney Houston,TX.If you have been arrested for DUI in Texas. Call Swate Attorney at Law at 832-702-7599


Why you need a criminal defense lawyer instead of a public defender

Each year in the United States, millions of people are arrested and charged with crimes that potentially carry jail or prison time. The vast majority of those arrested are below or near the poverty line, making it difficult to afford legal counsel for their defense. Most of these individuals will end up either defending themselves in court or have a public defender appointed to their case.

But even though it may be tempting to avoid the higher cost of hiring a DWI defense attorney Texas, there are strong reasons to hire one. Hiring a criminal defense lawyer Texas can give defendants a big edge in court, often making the difference between going to jail and walking free.

Suspended Drivers License In Houston,Texas.

If you have a suspended license as the result of a DWI conviction or Caught driving with a suspended license? Or was your license just suspended? Either way, the Tommy swate attorney at law in Houston can help.