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Updated by Australian Training Management on Jun 20, 2019
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Australian Training Management


Asbestos Removal Course

Asbestos Removal Course

This course prepares participants for the Supervision of Asbestos Removal and the removal of asbestos-containing material, by providing individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to enable them to safely carry out asbestos work. Visit:


Australian Training Management

Australian Training Management

Australian Training Management Pty Ltd is a West Australian owned and operated Registered Training Organisation (RTO). We are specialists in the design and delivery of high quality cost effective training solutions, together with the flexibility to manage training from an individual to large company requirements. Visit:


Drone License Perth

Drone License Perth

Don’t just learn to fly a drone; learn to fly it well, and gain the certification required to fly for commercial benefit. Visit:


Tilt Up Construction Training

Tilt Up Construction Training

This course provides participants with the required safe tilt-up work knowledge prior to entering tilt-up construction workplaces or sites. Visit:


Traffic Control Training

Traffic Control Training

This course provides the skills and knowledge required to safely implement a traffic management plan for works on roads and to safely and efficiently control traffic in a variety of situations. Visit: