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Updated by Fluper USA on Aug 25, 2021
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Mobile App Development Company in USA

In this era which is filled up with technological reforms, VR has always been considered to be the most unique way to innovate.


Hire Android App Developer for High-End Mobile Apps

Hire Android App Developer for High-End Mobile Apps

Are you looking for an Android application to be made for you then you can hire android app developer from us as we are top android application development company in the USA. Our talented team of mobile application engineers can make applications for a wide range of items and administrations.


Implementation of VR Apps in Different Industries

Implementation of VR Apps in Different Industries

In the past, the whole concept of VR was just somewhat an imagination. However, later on, virtual reality was underdeveloped on so many grounds. Apparently, there are so many reasons due to which Virtual Reality failed to gain market traction since the 1990s. One of the reasons was less computational power. But, this is 2019, and evidently, the times have changed, “a lot”.

Virtual Reality development solutions have completely revolutionized the way we see the world, and currently is helping manufacturers and developers to create unique solutions in smartphone technology and systems. The whole concept of VR is becoming more and more sophisticated as we are able to interact with virtual environment through multiple senses.
It has been predicted that VR hardware and software market will reach the revenue of $70 billion mark by the year 2020. So, if you are looking forward to making some changes in the industry, this might be the right time to partner up with a Virtual Reality Mobile app development company

Acknowledging the fact that VR market is booming, businesses and industries all around the globe are investing chunks of money just to transform their strategies and business opportunities. VR is no more an emerging technology; instead it has become a dominator one. As a matter of fact industries like healthcare, education, retail, and commerce have already started using VR modules in their well being. Apparently, the strongest demand for VR is coming from creative industries like entertainment and gaming.

Now, it’s time for us to understand the real-world implementation of VR in different industries altogether.

VR in Healthcare

There are a handful of reasons which are currently challenging conventional methods in the healthcare industry. For instance, ever-increasing costs of healthcare, aging population, and last but not the least the scarcity of trained physicians. These are some reasons that are literally forcing the healthcare industry to incorporate the latest technology to overcome such challenges.
Virtual Reality, on the other hand, is opening various opportunities specifically for this industry, which later on will help them explore new yet inexpensive alternatives to conventional medical treatments. With the immersive use of videos, text, messaging and others; VR app solutions help healthcare services in such a way that does not relate to time or location.

Evidently, training of health professionals is amongst the most immediate and important application of VR. Healthcare professionals around the world are currently exploring VR to make enhancements in traditional healthcare-related education system.

VR in Education

Those days are long gone when education was limited to books and theoretical sessions which most of us hated back in the days. Now, the times have changed; today education is all about creating engaging learning experience for students in the first place. With noticeable breakthrough in the technological aspect, educators are looking forward to introducing educational reforms.

On the other hand, VR app development services are flourishing and breaking grounds every second. It can completely change the way educational content is delivered. Whether it is a classroom or in corporate field, VR solutions work towards creating virtual world and allow users to settle in and have an experience of better understanding no matter what the topic is.
VR offers the power of scalability and has made the whole concept of learning more dynamic. On the other hand, VR app development is being used in various industry verticals like; manufacturing, shipping, and others.

VR in Real Estate

Real estate is one such industry that is innovating somewhat on a regular basis with continued success. The technology which is helping this industry is none other than VR. Yes! VR is helping agents to visit several homes in a noticeably short period of time, ultimately increasing sales efficiency and interacting with more and more potential buyers.
Real Estate VR apps help both the agent and agency to interact with their customers and interact with them the way which they have never experienced before. VR app solutions can be integrated into the existing platform which will increase sales efficiency and without having to hire more staff.

One of the most useful and popular application is guided virtual visits which provide 360-view of existing properties. However, for properties that are undergoing construction, VR will provide views like you’ve seen before.

The Wrap Up

With increase in technical innovations, our lives have completely changed for the good obviously. Especially when it comes down to enhancing experience, VR is only thing that most of us come up at the first place. Industries like retail, real estate, healthcare, and education are the ones who breaking ground to leverage this technology to stay ahead of the game. These apps can range from virtual walkthroughs to face-to-face meetings.

Final Thoughts

Are you looking to develop apps using immersive yet reliable technology? If yes! Then choosing Fluper might be a great way to start things off. Being a top-rated app development company, our developers and team of technicians will be really glad to help you out.


Cool Virtual Reality Apps for Your iPhone

Cool Virtual Reality Apps for Your iPhone

So, you’ve got an iPhone and to take things up a notch, you want to enjoy the perks of having VR application, then we are glad to tell you that this is the right place you are looking at. As far as the VR app development is concerned (in the context of the iPhone), it is still undergoing some progressions. Yet after that, there are some apps that you can use in order to enjoy VR to the best of its ability.

As we said, VR is still going through a development stage for iPhone; there are certain apps and games that you can enjoy with the latest versions of the iPhone. Being an iOS app development company, we’d say that you can use VR apps on any model. VR headsets like Google Cardboard, Merge VR, Noon VR Pro, and the Carl Zeiss VR One Plus are the ideal choice for your iPhone.

Being a sophisticated service provider, Apple provides an array list of VR apps in its store, but only a handful of them have that “wow” factor which every single one of us would look up to. Now, you don’t have to go over the internet on a lookout for such apps, instead you can read this blog, and hopefully, you can find just the right app for you.

The Best VR Apps Available for iPhone

  • InMind VR
    Inspired by science fiction stories which you must’ve heard of in your childhood when someone is shrunk to microscopic size and placed inside the body of a full-sized person. Well, with this app you can live that moment of fantasy. You’ll be given a task of helping a patient suffering from a depressive order, but the catch is, you have to treat him all the way from inside his body.

  • VirtualSpeech
    This is a perfect app for those who suffer from stage fear or they fear speaking in public. The app offers different scenarios in which you can practice in front of a crowd. You can attend meetings, conduct a presentation, go on a job interview or even teach a class.
    In each of the above scenarios, you’ll be in the midst of real people to whom you must convey your message. As an additional feature, the app also provides words of wisdom from experts on how to speak in public.

  • VR Mojo Orbulus
    Would you like to travel the world while sitting on your couch? Yes! That’s a serious question. This app offers you a virtual trek of sights and sounds from around the world. Once you start the app, you’ll be shown floating photo spheres; each one is a gateway to a different destination. All you have to do is just look at a sphere and you’ll be transferred to that location in no time.

  • VR Noir
    In this app, you’ll be acting as a role of Veronica Coltrane, a divorced mother battling with her ex-husband and forced to set up shop as a private detective after being thrown off the police force. Taking on a new client, you have to decide how further you can go in order to solve the case. The story is interactive and it does have some plot twists as well, which makes the app worth a try.

  • VR Roller Coaster
    Honestly, you can find a lot of VR roller coaster apps all over the internet, but only some of them worth the try. One of them is the VR RollerCosters app from VR Games, and as per our experience, this is the only intense roller coaster VR app we came across. The app takes you through a series of ups, downs, twists, and turns but only they are intense. The app top things off with some insane loop-the-loops that’ll make you skip a heartbeat.

  • Within
    Sometimes you just want to leave all things behind and explore different extents in this world. Well, this app lets you do the same thing. The app brings you a variety of stories from animated adventures to fictional scenarios for real-life documentaries.
    The app showcase different experiences like animated, music, documentaries, and horror. What else do we need in order to have an experience of a lifetime?

Well, these were some of the apps that we found quite fascinating since the whole topic revolves around VR. However, we recommend you not to get influenced by the list which we’ve provided; you can always choose the ones you want.

Final Thoughts

Are you planning on making a VR app, like the ones that we mentioned above? If that’s the case, then we are glad to tell you that Fluper is place where you can get an ultimate solution. Make sure to contact us and our developers would be very happy to help you out.


Challenges in Enterprise Mobile App Development: Customer-Facing Apps

Challenges in Enterprise Mobile App Development: Customer-Facing Apps

As we all know that nowadays businesses are moving their focus towards introducing their application in the market. Being an app development company, we’d like to tell you that if your business is providing customer-facing solutions, then choosing an app to do the job might be the best option available to you. Customer-facing apps, in particular, reflect a brand and play a major role in creating communication among the company and its customers. Not only these apps are known for adding value to a user’s daily routine, but these apps also can build brand loyalty as well.
Since nothing out there is perfect, customer-facing apps to have some issues and challenges latched on to its name. However, you are most likely to face those challenges in the app development stage. We, being a mobile app development company, have enlisted some of the challenges that you might end up facing while making a customer-facing application.

Challenges in Customer-Facing App Development

• Web Vs. Native Vs. Hybrid
These are the main three mobile app types that a business can choose from for app development. We’ve come to realize that quite often business finds this choice quite complicated and they fail to seek an appropriate one that can offer the most value.
Being an app development company, we recommend you choosing native app development for customer-facing apps. Here are some of the benefits that you might get choosing.
1. Better app performance and speed
2. Native apps work better with the hardware
3. Leverages the UX and UI conventions that are unique to each platform
4. New platform features can be integrated more quickly as they are available as soon as they are released.

• Creating Mobile-Ready Services
To make power apps, you need to prioritize the creation of mobile-ready services. You’ll need APIs which will expose business functions to enable the app to accomplish specific tasks.
As far as our experience is concerned, we’d like to say that it’s important to have an API strategy in place for a customer-facing app for the app to perform as per the expectation. It is our advice that you should evaluate your current services to see if they are eligible for powering up the mobile application.

• Finding the Right Internal Team
No matter what app you are trying to make, having an appropriate team to pull off the job is quite an integral part of the entire app development process. Customer-facing apps can turn out to be expensive and can lead to significant changes within the organization. For that reason, you need to rely on product managers who will take care of your mobile app along with your business.
Other than that, you need to hire mobile app developers in USA and UI/UX designers since customer-facing apps define your brand, which is why it is important to provide your customers with a well-rounded application.

• Prioritizing Features
This is one of those issues that you are most likely to end up with. It usually happens when you try to prioritize features for the first iteration of the app. At first, it may seem tempting to you, but offering every user-requested features too soon can harm the user experience.
The only features you should consider adding are the ones that are connected to your goal. It is recommended to try making an app that is scalable and has all the necessary features.

• Transitioning from Waterfall to Agile Development
While many businesses are used to waterfall methodology, but when it comes down to making a customer-facing application, it becomes crucial for app development companies to choose agile development. To make your app successful, constant work has to be done. Unlike the websites, which can be outdated but still works, mobile, on the other hand, is evolving every day. Adopting an agile framework makes this process more efficient.

• Security
Security has always been an area of concern no matter what kind of an app you are building. Data breaches and cyber-attacks are becoming quite usual these days, which is also the reason why customer-facing app development tends to face this issue quite a lot. Even a single flaw in the security of an application can turn things around for both the company and the user. However, we are here to tell you how to dodge that and make a secured application.
1. The first thing that you need to do is to make sure that your app is highly encrypted.
2. Take appropriate measures to prevent mobile app impersonation.
3. At last, make sure to provide maintenance and support at all times.

Wrap Up
Making a customer-facing app is just like any other app development process, however, most of the time turns out to be quite complicated. Now that we are listing the issues and challenges that you might end with while making one, we think now it would be quite easy for you to accomplish making a well-rounded customer-facing application.

Final Thoughts
Are you planning on making an app that can take your business to the maximum heights possible? If that so, then this might be the right time for you to consult with Fluper. We, being a top-rated app development company, would love to help you out and too in the grandest way possible.


What Makes Android an Apt Choice for On-Demand Apps

Before diving deep into “why Android is suitable for an on-demand app development?” it would be right to discuss what an on-demand app does.


Types of Web Developers and Their Skills

Types of Web Developers and Their Skills

Developers come in various varieties, and we, being an android app development company, have listed all of them. Keeping them in mind, you can easily choose a web developer in literally no time.


Enhance Your Real Estate Business by Mobile App Development Company in Miami

Enhance Your Real Estate Business by Mobile App Development Company in Miami

Evolution in techs builds up enormous opportunities for progress in the real estate business. With the expanding in the number of mobile phone users, most of the real estate agents are moving their concentration to take the influence of mobile apps by the top mobile app development company in Miami.


Top Mobile App Development Company in Los Angeles offer Quality Assistance

Top Mobile App Development Company in Los Angeles offer Quality Assistance

Need a top mobile app development company in Los Angeles for developing superb apps for your products & services. Get the best services within time by visiting online and choose the one which fulfills your app requirement wisely.

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Do Want to Build an App like Banggood? If Yes then Google It.

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Need an android app for your business? Contact the best mobile app development company in Charlotte. It can help you with your futuristic mobile app that includes all your products & services info. by their creative mobile app developers.


Hire Wordpress Developer to Make An Attractive Website for You

Hire Wordpress Developer to Make An Attractive Website for You

If you need an attractive website then you can opt for Wordpress as it allows users to use different templates for various products and services. Hire Wordpress developer to create a multi-functional website for you.


Todoist Features For IOS 10 And WatchOS 3

Todoist Features For IOS 10 And WatchOS 3

When it comes down to the best smartphone manufacturer, we cannot deny the fact that Apple holds a special place in our minds. Apple is known to be one of the greatest smartphones brands the world has ever seen and there are so many reasons behind that, the first would be its quality and the second would be its constant behavior towards updating the OS at regular intervals.

In every update, Apple makes sure to provide its users with the utmost level of services no matter what. The features that this company provides is literally breathtaking, which ultimately make any iOS device faster, cleaner, and simpler. The iOS app development companies, on the other hand, are doing very thing they can do stay on track with such updates of the operating system. With the iOS 10 and watchOS 3 update, Apple has made things clear that our devices are full of clutter that we don’t want them in the first place.

Apple is making statements that this update will help you spend less time on the Todoist app so that you can spend more time getting things done.

Todoist Features at a Glance

  1. A new Today widget has been added which is just a swipe or 3D touch away.
  2. Quick Add has received an improved share extension that helps you to make things faster, save, and organize web pages as Todoist tasks without switching over to apps.
  3. For Apple watch, Todoist has been redesigned which is known to be faster and lets you set your own default task view to fit the way you use your watch..



11 Outstanding WordPress Plugins in 2019 to Boost Lead Generation

11 Outstanding WordPress Plugins in 2019 to Boost Lead Generation

Lead generation should be the top and foremost priority alongside your web marketing techniques. When it’s essential to provide your site a pro look in order to install confidence within your potential clients, it’s equally crucial to turn your possible leads to reliable customers. Know about the Outstanding WordPress Plugins in 2019 to Boost Lead Generation.


Top Mobile App Growth Statistics in Upcoming Year

Top Mobile App Growth Statistics in Upcoming Year

In fact, mobile apps have become an extension of our everyday lives. We use these apps for nearly everything be it booking a ride, watching videos, messaging friends, browsing the web, reading e-books or listening to our favorite podcast.
In this blog, we will take a look at some noteworthy mobile app growth statistics for 2020 and beyond. So let’s dive in.




Every business sector has been burrowed by Artificial Intelligence. With time this technology is getting richer and well-liked in the technical world and making the world harmonize along with all the technological shifts. Artificial intelligence is covering all the functionalities to change people’s views. Te advanced technology is increasingly important for those of us in the advertising and marketing game!

At present, if you search for Artificial intelligence online, you will stumble across thousands of blogs on the internet about how AI has dominated the marketplace. In fact, it’s been declared that about 95% of customer interactions will be managed with AI by as soon as 2020. Due to this several eCommerce businesses are using various forms of AI to understand the marketplace in a better manner to generate leads and provide an improved customer experience. The key point of discussion is not only how quickly these machines knob the tasks, but how much more well-organized they do them as well. With the contribution, the analytical and exponential growth is the major thing that makes the human being job trouble-free. The exponential growth of Artificial intelligence is for the marketing purposes of the businesses, and there lies the key.

Do you know Artificial Intelligence is reshaping the online shopping industry? Well, yes the speedy calculation and easiness in payment procedures have made the AI the primary choice of people these days. Now the question is how eCommerce business can use this technology for improvising this exclusive and innovative technology. In this write up we are going to discuss powerful ways AI will certainly help you to boost your business in an efficient manner.

A customer-centric approach
The artificial intelligence helps businesses in providing customers complete satisfaction. Artificial intelligence technology gives businesses a viable edge and is accessible to developers or businesses of all sizes or budgets. It might happen often that the customers, after visiting the eCommerce website for a while, close their product search and leave the website without buying anything. This process generally happens when the customers are not able to find sufficient appropriate product results. In such situations, AI can help a business. By using machine learning, eCommerce websites, and applications can include various visual elements that make the shopping experience trouble-free for customers. In this manner, eCommerce businesses can make good customer retention rates.

Chatbot Experiences
Chatbots is the only reason why the eCommerce industry can offer 24/7/365 assistance to customers. These bots are developed in a manner by the mobile app developers that offer the customers with all the probable solutions and answers that they apt to deal with. With the help of chatbots, the customers can easily communicate with the customers either with the help of text or using calls. The Live Chat option and artificial chatbots are gaining a great thrust to add value to the client service. The chatbot is a software program that is specially created to conduct conversations to offer personalized customer experiences. With the help of chatbots, the businesses can give the customers accurately 24/7 customer services along with custom-made recommendations.

Identification of the target audience
Artificial intelligence has also made the lead generation process of eCommerce businesses easy. AI solutions for sales, marketing, and CRM can help the business in analytical marketing. AI helps businesses meet the demands of the customer by providing instantaneous services and solutions over the doubts. With Artificial intelligence, a business can also improve their customer purchase probability calculation.

Provide suggestions to the customers
By the time, we are aware of this thing that Artificial intelligence can efficiently and competently forecast customer behavior and their requirements that offer appropriate and supportive recommendations. If you are still unaware of this feature then it is the right time to a leading mobile app development company to get your business on this update.

So, to understand this process, what exactly is it? And how does it work? Read more:

In general, AI tends to assemble all the data that has been searched by customers online. The online algorithms help in gathering the information via history, third party data, content data and other information to offer the needed reference to the user.


  • Fluper can all admit to the fact that apps have really changed the way how we used to work things around. Apparently, businesses all around the world are doing their best in making the best out of...

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