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Updated by andy-lapham on Jun 19, 2019
andy-lapham andy-lapham
4 items   1 followers   0 votes   1 views

Creative Coding

How-to information and eye candy. Generative Design through coding. Focus on p5.js but also Processing and others.

Gene Kogan

"Gene Kogan is an artist and a programmer who is interested in generative systems, computer science, and software for creativity and self-expression. He is a collaborator within numerous open-source software projects, and gives workshops and lectures on topics at the intersection of code and art. Gene initiated ml4a, a free book about machine learning for artists, activists, and citizen scientists, and regularly publishes video lectures, writings, and tutorials to facilitate a greater public understanding of the subject."
Many examples of p5.js sketches on GitHub and some written tutorials on aspects of p5.js - transformations, Perlin noise etc.

p5.js a JS client-side library for creating graphic and interactive experiences, based on the core principles of Processing. This is the go-to site for all things p5 - keep it open in a browser window when coding!

The Coding Train

Dan Shiffman's YouTube creative coding channel.
"In this YouTube channel I publish "creative coding" video tutorials every week. Subjects covered range from the basics of programming languages like JavaScript ..."
Loads of tutorials on every aspect of p5.js. Brilliant.

Experiments with P5.js - Purin Phanichphant

Lots of cool p5.js sketches with code from Artist & Designer, Purin Phanichphant.