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Updated by kenmurphy59 on Jun 14, 2019
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21st Century Learners - 11th Grade

lesson plans

This site contains lessons plans and ideas for teaching in the 21 Century. It emphasizes the emergence of technology and how it has changed the way teachers teach. and students learn. I particulary appreciate the point made in the introduction to the stie that we need to change the way school educate not because the old ways did not work, but because the world has changed and the needs of students have changed..

Lessons for 21st-Century Learners

This site provides ideas, tools, and apps for helping students to learn 21st Century skills such as team work, critical thinking, communication, and creativity.

This PDF document provides a plan for teaching students the qualities of effective leadership and how to become an effective leader. The lesson plan includes the following essential questions.

Essential Questions
1. How do people become leaders?
2. What individual characteristics define effective leaders?
3. What leadership roles are present in team situations?
4. How can a leader influence a team to become high-performing?

What Makes a Leader Lesson Plan

This lesson plan helps students identify the traits of effective leadership. Students will use a graphic organizer to identify the traits common to effective leaders. Students will discuss how these traits can be developed.

This document describes the 21st Century skills students need to acquire. In order for high school teachers to teaching these skills they must be able to identify 21st Century skills and assess student proficency in these skills.

digital and Civic Literacy

This lesson points out the importance of digital literacy. Students learn to evaluate information from the internet, how to engage in social media properly, how to obtain accurate information, and how to practice safety on the internet.

Digital and Civic Literacy Skills

The internet is an amazing tool for teaching and learning. But, before we can teach students to harness its power and become good citizens of the web, we need to understand the intricacies of how it works and how it can be manipulated to mislead and even harm users.

Learning the Landscape of



This site offers a variety of lesson plans on global citizenship that are suitble to high school students

The 3 Best Resources to Teach Communication Skills in High School

Are you trying to teach communication skills to high school students? These 3 resources have the best communication skills lesson plans and activities that you can use right now!

Interpersonal Relationships Archives -

This lesson applies to the emotional intelligence skill needed by 21st Century learners. Teaching students about self-esteem is important at any age, but it’s super important to emphasize how critical it is to a child’s development. In this lesson I share some ideas and activities that help students understand what self-esteem is, the difference between positive and negative self-esteem, how it’s developed, why it’s important and who/what helps to influence it.

This lesson plan provides an excellent framework for teaching high school student the skill of entrepreneurship.

Emotional Intelligence Lesson Plan

This is a lesson plan suitable for teaching 11th grade high school student what it mean to possess emotional intelligence and why EI is important.

this PDF file contains a wide range of activies that are targeted toward teaching about emotional intelligence to teens ages 13-18. The activities on interpersonal relationship would benefit 11th grade high school students.

Activities & Resources for Emotional Intelligence

This is a how to article aimed at equipping teachers to better equipped students with emotional intelligence. The main aspect of this article deals with building self-confidence and self-awareness in students.

Exemplary classroom resources reviewed by

This lesson plan develops student awareness of the various aspects of global citizenship. The lesson presented as a case study helps students see themselves as a member of a larger global society.

This lesson plan help students build an awareness of their global citizenship and responsibility. Students play international detective as they read accounts of international pollution issues. Students also complete an activity tracing ocean currents and discussing the paths of pollution. These activities prepare students to identify the mindset of a global citizen and to define global citizenship. This lesson reinforces concepts from “Citizen Me” and can be followed by


This site suggest a cross-curricular approach to teaching problem solving to students in the 21st Century. Problem solving is an important 21st Century skill that is inclusive of all subject areas.

Team-Building Activities for High School

Information presented on this site provdes high school teachers with activites to help students with team-building skills.

Teaching Students How to Work

Students lean to work together to build cooperative teams to reach solutions

Classroom Team Building Activities for High School

This lesson plan includes basics for creating team building among high school students. Team building leads to increase creativity and builds leadership among team memebers.