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Updated by Lisa Johnson on Jul 18, 2023
Lisa Johnson Lisa Johnson
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Thinglink EDU Examples

RoseliELT: My digital portfolio using Thinglink

Using Thinglink for a digital portfolio

Enriching Study Guides with Thinglink

How can I make Study Guides more visually appealing? Many times I feel my students don't really know how to organize themselves to study. I often hear them say they only studied by reading the lessons in the book. These are different ways I've tried to help students get ready for their English exams: 1.

Great Apps for kids, Best Free Apps for Kids, iPad Guidel...

Great Apps for kids, Best Free Apps for Kids, iPad Guidel... - ThingLink

Saturn has 60 moons, One year on Saturn is 10,832 days on... by CybelleC2016

Saturn has 60 moons, One year on Saturn is 10,832 days on... - ThingLink

The Harlem Shake World Map

TOUCH this image to discover its story. Image tagging powered by ThingLink

Fun Facts about Famous Landmarks of Europe - Travel

Fun Facts about Famous Landmarks of Europe - Travel - ThingLink

United States Local Foods - Education and Travel by ThingLink Huy

United States Local Foods - Education and Travel - ThingLink

How To Speak "The Twitter" educators guide by carriebaughcum

TOUCH this image to discover its story. Image tagging powered by ThingLink

Bring Your Own Device (Final)

TOUCH this image to discover its story. Image tagging powered by ThingLink

Differentiated instruction by tweetkevjones

TOUCH this image to discover its story. Image tagging powered by ThingLink

Welcome to the EDCMOOC School!

TOUCH this image to discover its story. Image tagging powered by ThingLink

Perseid meteors by PEWebTeam

TOUCH this image to discover its story. Image tagging powered by ThingLink

The machine goes on

Revising for tests - adding digital resources to a drawing.

Clickable Student Portfolios Page

One of the goals of our just-finished Digital Literacies Workshop for high school students was to create a final online portfolio of some of the work and learning they did during our five weeks together. For various reasons (which I will write about later), we ended up in Wikispaces as our home for portfolios.

Interactive PD with Thinglink

Interactive PD with Thinglink - ThingLink

Collaboration and iPad

Collaboration and iPad - ThingLink

Class End of Year Video

Class End of Year Video - ThingLink

iPad Task Cards

iPad Task Cards - ThingLink created with image

What is ThingLink? - YouTube

An introduction to ThingLink for Teaching and Learning

ThingLink Tutorial - YouTube

A short demonstration on how to use the website ThingLink to create an interactive image.

How to Create an Interactive Image With ThingLink - Snapguide

Shows how we created our first interactive image with thinglink. *Some pics are from iPad view- but process is very similar. This is for @debbyj18, who requested a thinglink tutorial.

Interactive mind map with ThingLink

Interactive mind map with ThingLink - ThingLink

Hover your mouse over the picture to discover ThingLink Edu

Hover your mouse over the picture to discover ThingLink Edu - ThingLink

ThingLink Rich Media Tags

A fantastic list of ideas to link your things too ;)