Listly by Mike Monroe
If you don't have a step-by-step process to take your potential customers to paying customers? Then, Houston, we have a problem.
Optimize your sales by understanding the total cost involved in selling a prospect or account.
This is a clip from South Park. Without a sales funnel, your profit plan will look like (and work like) theirs.
If you're someone who has never used a sales funnel and aren't quite sure what it is, this article is meant for you.
Why do so many companies treat potential customers better than current customers? We're so used to it, we expect it. Which means we may not even realize when it's happening... Don't let yourself be one of "those" people.
Sales Function: facilitating a potential customer to make the decision to purchase the goods or services they want from your business; in other words to become your customer.
If you concentrate your activity on the wrong place in the funnel, you'll burn time and resources without delivering results. Here'a a few areas where clogs can occur in your sales funnel.
The general pattern is the same: transitioning prospects into paying customers. The steps in between, however, can vary. Check out these different sales funnels.
The reality is that sellers are no longer in charge of the customer buying process. sellers no longer sell the way customers are buying. Here is a detailed roadmap to get you back on track with a “customer-centric” approach.