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Updated by Mike Monroe on Nov 16, 2016
Headline for Resources for Logo Design
Mike Monroe Mike Monroe
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Resources for Logo Design

Great resources to help you get your business logo designed.

Asylum Studios Photography + Design

This studio specializes in anything from graphic design, web design, professional photography, illustration, and animation --to-- feature film, commercials and music videos.

Logo Design by LogoTournament ™

Tournament style logo design: fill out a logo questionnaire and set a prize amount, give feedback as designers submit their logo ideas to you, and then select the winner and download your file(s)!

Logo Design, Web Design And More

A marketplace for graphic design -- including logo design, web design and other design contests.

Logos Of 100 Largest Companies

See the logos, read about commonalities, and discover why they've been successful.

What Makes A Logo "Good?"

A good logo meets the criteria of 5 things. This article highlights these criteria through real business examples.

The Ultimate Guide To Logo Design

Follow these 25 expert tips and create your best ever logo design. Paul Wyatt reveals everything you need to know to improve or create your designs.

15 Worst Corporate Logo Fails

What were they thinking? Some of these are so inappropriate it's a mystery how they got through the draft phase.