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Updated by Jelena Cekic on May 31, 2019
Headline for 5 Perks Army Veterans Have Access to as Payment for Service to their Country
Jelena Cekic Jelena Cekic
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5 Perks Army Veterans Have Access to as Payment for Service to their Country

Army veterans sacrifice a lot in service to the country - it only makes sense they get something in return.



It takes a lot of courage and dedication to go through rigorous training to become part of the armed forces, and even more so to engage in combat in the line of duty. The brave men and women serving this country deserve nothing but our deepest respect, but respect alone won’t help a veteran reintegrate into civilian life or cover medical expenses.

Luckily, there are several perks that you get as a token of gratitude and appreciation for serving your country and putting your life on the line to keep others safe. Let’s take a look at some of the biggest perks that army vets can expect.


Education and Job Opportunities

Education and Job Opportunities

Those going into service need to put the rest of their lives on hold, and this includes their education. This is why veterans are provided with several great programs, courtesy of the GI Bill.

The specifics of each program vary a bit, but you essentially get financial assistance to cover educational costs, e.g. college degrees and certifications, and even housing expenses during this period.


VA Loan Options for a New Home

Once you’ve put your fighting days behind you, it’s likely that you’ll want a place of your own that you can call home.

The housing market can be a bit hectic, but as a veteran, you have access to a VA loan. This involves a number of benefits when compared to traditional loans – you’ll have lower interest rates and you won't have a down payment or mortgage insurance to worry about.

There’s even something called the Jumbo VA loan which is far more flexible and allows you to get a loan for anything from $417,000 and up to $1 million. It usually requires a 25% down payment unless you are buying a house in what is considered a High-Cost County.


Help with Going Back to a Civilian Lifestyle

Combat takes its toll on both the body and the mind. Many veterans experience PTSD or are haunted by their conscience for years after their service and have trouble coping.
Some simply find it difficult to lay their hard-earned combat skills to rest and dive back into a mundane and surprisingly low-stress lifestyle.

Well, if you are finding it hard to cope or to tone down that warrior spirit and see yourself as a civilian, you can contact a support group. There are a lot of veterans who’ve been through the same thing and successfully made the shift, and they’re ready to help you.

Vet readjustment counseling is an invaluable tool on your way back to civilian life, and there’s also trauma and bereavement counseling if you are battling more complicated demons.


Covered Medical Expenses and Rehabilitation

Covered Medical Expenses and Rehabilitation

Finding a new path for yourself and readjusting after engaging in combat is difficult enough, but some vets bring back more than emotional baggage back with them from the war zone.

Injuries, chronic issues and even lost limbs or paralysis are all too common among vets, and the medical system being what it is, you’d have to spend a fortune just to fix your body so that you can move on with your life.

This is where VA Healthcare kicks in. Hospital and treatment bills for medical issues received during active service, and even preexisting conditions that were aggravated through service, will be offered at a fraction of the cost or taken care of in full.

In special circumstances – if you have a severe disability, over 50% of your body, or have been a prisoner of war – you will receive all the VA Healthcare free of charge.


Financial Assistance for Surviving Family Members

If the worst should happen and you don’t make it back from your tour, there is a comprehensive life insurance plan and other forms of financial assistance for your spouse and children. It’s a grim thought, but at least you’ll have some peace of mind when going into combat, knowing that your closest ones will be taken care of.

As you can see, veterans have a number of perks available to them as payment for their service. From a VA loan to help them finance further education and free counseling, it’s good to see that our country is giving back to those that put everything on the line to protect our way of life and the freedoms we hold dear, but often take for granted.