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Updated by yourterm2015 on May 02, 2019
yourterm2015 yourterm2015
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Top 5 articles of the month- April 2019

Term of the Week: Organ Donation -

Innovation, creativity, vision and, above all, determination and team spirit, all this is Terminology Coordination!

I·ATE Food Term of the Week: Frankfurt Green Sauce -

Innovation, creativity, vision and, above all, determination and team spirit, all this is Terminology Coordination!

DG TRADTerminology Coordination

Innovation, creativity, vision and, above all, determination and team spirit, all this is Terminology Coordination!

Umberto Eco - 40 rules to speak better Italian (valid for each language where the absurd can be expressed) -

Innovation, creativity, vision and, above all, determination and team spirit, all this is Terminology Coordination!