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Updated by Joseph M. Corey, Jr., P.A on Jun 20, 2019
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Looking For A Family Lawyer Near Miami, Florida

Are you looking for a family lawyer in Miami, Florida ? Here you are absolutely at the right place. At Joseph M. Corey, Jr., P.A , Our Miami divorce lawyers are experienced in successfully handling all types of divorce and family law problem. Call us today @ (305) 557-1750.


The Legal Challenges of Family Adoption

There are few things in this world that are as dignified, brave, and noble as adopting a child. For many parents all across the world, this is also the only option they may have to have a child and raise a family. The best way to come prepared and ready for this life-changing process is to hire a family adoption lawyer.

The Impact of an Affair on Your Divorce Settlement

First and foremost when it comes to a divorce, you must protect your assets at all costs. Everything that you have saved and worked for whether it be a house, family vehicles, savings or investments, or various types of property. While hiring the best divorce attorney can significantly help your individual case- there is one simple element to engrain in your mind.

Keys To Finding the Best Child Custody Lawyer

The circumstances surrounding legal mitigation and the divvying up of time with your kids is never a happy or enjoyable process. If the time comes where you find yourself looking for a lawyer who specializes in family law, it will be helpful to do a bit of research for yourself.

Protect your rights as a father with the help of fathers rights attorney

The rights a father has of his child before it is born are unfortunately very limited. If the mother of the child wishes to abort or to keep the child after its birth the father has no legal right to say whether she should or shouldn’t.

The Role Of Brownsville Divorce Lawyer

If you want any Divorce lawyer or attorney, call our office today to learn more.Getting a divorce can be expensive and time-consuming, but with proper legal counsel from The Law Offices of Joseph M. Corey, JR PA, it doesn’t have to be.

Understanding The Divorce Process: Choosing A Divorce Lawyer

Divorce is a very hard process that can really put a serious strain on the couple who is separating. How to choose the right legal representative for you as well as getting the right divorce attorney that will benefit you in court.

How To Legally Change Your First And Last Name After A Divorce

During a divorce, many things are legally split apart that once formed part of a whole; everything from property, assets, and even one’s maiden name, which they had before they got married, can be returned to their rightful owner. As part of the divorce, a person, or most likely a woman, can legally change their name for a number of reasons, but for the most part, it’s to return to the name they were born with.

Miami Gardens Divorce Lawyer and Attorney

A good Miami Gardens, FL divorce attorney may be able to help you avoid litigation by pursuing out-of-court negotiation either with your spouse or with his or her attorney.If you need an experienced divorce lawyer call Joseph Corey Law Firm at (305) 557-1750 to schedule a consultation.