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Updated by Mike Monroe on Nov 01, 2016
Headline for Staying on Track and Making Progress
Mike Monroe Mike Monroe
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Staying on Track and Making Progress

This day in age, distractions are everywhere... half of the time we don't even know we're being distracted. Starting a business takes a steady effort, especially when maintaining your focus. Here are a variety of resources to help.

Why Do We Accept Mediocrity?

This podcast is aimed at business owners and helping them discover the beauty behind having an idea and going for it.

Identity–Based Habits

In order to believe in a new identity, we have to prove it to ourselves. This article walks through the recipe for sustained success and how we can begin to actually achieve our goals.

What's Your Fear?

What's your real fears about being an entrepreneur? We all have fears. But as this video reminds us, we all have also been given a a gift.

24 Daily Habits

We first make our habits, and then our habits make us. Doing something every day is such a powerful way to form a habit, especially as a entrepreneur. Do you participate in any of these habits on a daily basis?

Quote Worth Reading

Staying on track, whether personally or professionally, doesn't just happen. Let this quote remind you of why you do what you do.

The 'Busy' Trap

Is "I don't have time" a commonly used statement of yours? Learn why this 'crazy busy' existence is almost entirely self-imposed.

What Highly Productive People Do Differently

Being highly productive is not an innate talent. This article lists 12 practical tips to encourage productive living.

The To-Don’t List

Welcome to the distracted generation, the ADD generation, and the target of countless articles generation. Entrepreneurs need space from distractions to focus more, which is what the TO-DON'T list is all about.

The Power of Habit Investments

One of the greatest things about creating new habits is the power of compound habit interest.