The Mobile Playbook is a resource guide from Google to help businesses win with mobile. It features insights, case studies and recommendations on how any business can operationalize mobile.
That rises to 59% among Americans aged 18-34. The study reveals that smartphone penetration continues to steadily rise, up from 44% of Americans aged 12 and up last year to 53% this year. (Recent comScore estimates indicate that 55% of mobile phone subscribers owned a smartphone during the 3-month average ending in January 2013, up from 42.7% the previous year.)
There are 70 million tablet users in the U.S. This VivaKI study shares insights into what they do on them every day. Editor's note: "Mobile Matters" is our ongoing series where we look at top issues, challenges, and opportunities in the fast-moving world of mobile marketing.
" Quels usages du Marketing Direct mobile dans le cadre d'un plan relationnel multi-canal : sucess story et best practices " par Muriel Glatin - Membre du bureau du Cercle du Marketing Direct et précédemment Directrice Marketing et Innovations Digitales chez Médiapost et Pages Jaunes Marketing Services.
I recently wrote a list of 31 things I need to see on your ecommerce product page, looking at the essentials for informing customers and driving conversions. One comment was left, wondering what the same list would look like with reference to mobile product pages, so here we go.
Bruxelles, le 24 octobre 2013 - L'introduction de l'iPhone, en 2007, a marqué la naissance des applications pour smartphones. Le lancement de l'iPad, en 2010, a permis celle des apps pour tablettes. Depuis, porté par le succès des plateformes iOS et Android, le secteur connaît un engouement exceptionnel.
Hoe evolueert het aandeel van het mobiele websiteverkeer? Deze vraag stelden we ons reeds in onze onderzoeken in 2011 en 2012. Vanuit de trends die we van dichtbij volgen en onze online gut feelings, waren we er ook van overtuigd dat dit aandeel nog verder zou stijgen.
Presented November 20, 2013 - AFP Congress The rise of social media and mobile technology as an important trend in peer-driven or "crowdsourced" fundraising
There were 28.4 million French smartphone owners in the three month average ending September 2013, which constitutes nearly 60 percent of the total French mobile audience. During the month nearly 20 percent of these French smartphone users took a picture of a product whilst in a physical retail store.
Are you looking for the latest trends in social media marketing? Has your business kept up with the growing mobile social media opportunities? New research seems to show all roads leading to mobile. Whether we're talking about Facebook, YouTube or the latest new toy, Snapchat-research shows that well-executed mobile strategies will offer the biggest payoff for marketers.
La progression du mobile ne cesse de croître année après année, alors à quoi doit-on s'attendre en 2014 ?Après la mort à petit feu de l'ordinateur de bureau, puis du laptop, on est maintenant rendu à l'ère des smartphones et des tablettes. Les entreprises et l'industrie du marketing toute entière doivent s'adapter ou ...
Selon une étude menée par l'agence DigitasLBi, les consommateurs recourent davantage à des appareils multi-plateformes, et plus particulièrement mobiles, afin d'améliorer leur expérience d'achat en magasin. Le phénomène du 'Showrooming' est également très répandu. Deux clients sur trois affirment ainsi qu'une différence de prix de 5% leur fait quitter le magasin.
When creating mobile versions of a website, there are various methods to follow: creating a mobile versions from scratch, build the main website with a responsive layout or use a converter that will handle the process automatically. is a professional web service (with free and paid plans) that simplifies the latest approach mentioned above: it converts any given website into a mobile version.
Start your project with the Web Starter Kit and ensure you're following the Web Fundamentals guidelines out of the box.
Last month, Google actually announced a change in their algorithm before it had already happened. In this post they mention that starting April 21st mobile-friendliness will become a ranking factor more and more. In the past few weeks we've been getting quite a few reports from Google Webmaster Tools.
Découvrez les dernières tendances en matière d'utilisation d'applications mobile à travers le monde.
There's a huge emphasis in digital advertising on metrics that measure performance. The problem is that those metrics have failed to capture a lot of consumer activity. Cookies - bits of code dropped into web browsers - have been the primary way marketers have tracked how consumers interact with ads.