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Updated by Das Gute Fleisch on Sep 16, 2019
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Top 5 Organic Meat Online Shops In Germany

We gathered the best organic meat shops in germany for you! If you are looking for an online shop selling organic meat when you are in germany this list ist just for you! (Every used picture is from the respective shop website)


Das Gute Fleisch

Das Gute Fleisch

"Das Gute Fleisch" wich can be directly translated to "the good meat" is relatively new in the business of online trading. For about 10 years the owners are already fulfilling their dream producing meat with the principle of animal welfare. Customers are joining their mission to raise awareness for meat consumption and fair trading by simply buying a product in the organic meat online shop; With every purchase you are supporting local farming and their mission will get a better reputation the more people are following. "Crowdbutching" is their alternative to mass production of single slices of meat - a cow only will be slaughtered if there are enough orders so there will be no loss in valuable organic meat.




Similar to "Das Gute Fleisch" this shop also works with the principle of crowdbutching. They are offering a transparent way to check the origin of the bought meat. But if you are looking for a solely organic shop you have to know that "Kaufnekuh" is not based on a single farm furthermore there are several farmers offering their meat. Not everyone has a certificate for organic production but you have the option to selectively buy organic meat.




As the name already tells you this shop is about exclusive meat! Also not every piece is organic and there is no crowdbutching involved. You can buy pieces solely without waiting weeks for your package but there is no certain mission just pure taste right for you directly delivered to your front door! This shop not only sells cow but also has a variety of meat from pig, chicken, and so on.


Ich Ess Bio

Ich Ess Bio

With a very similar concept like "Das Gute Fleisch" and "Kaufnekuh" "Ich Ess Bio" offers meat (only organic) from cow and pig. You can decide between packages and single products.




This organic shop has a huge variety of organic meat products you can buy seperate from each other. The team behind "Josefsbio" is not part of a organic farm but offers the products of farmers that are certified with the german "Bioland"-certificate.