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Updated by Nick Kellet on Nov 13, 2015
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Context Marketing vs Content Marketing : Research

بازاریابی محتوایی - بازاریابی مفهومی Context Marketing vs. Content Marketing

تیم مشاوران مدیریت ایران: از سال 2012 بازاریابی مفهومی تحت وب رونق زیادی پیدا نمود اما در سال 2014 ، بازاریابی مفهومی روند جدیدی در بازاریابی به وجود آورده است که کم‌کم در حال جایگزینی با روند قبلی است .
Context Marketing

What's the Deal With This Whole 'Context Marketing' Thing?

Learn what context marketing is and why it's so important for your inbound marketing.

What is Context Marketing? Is It Different Than Content Marketing?

Context marketing takes your content marketing to new levels of effectiveness. Learn the one thing you must master for effective context marketing.

Why Context Is King in the Future of Digital Marketing

An avalanche of devices, platforms, channels, and information is crushing consumers as they go about their daily lives. I’m crying “uncle” too, wishing a corporate entity (Apple...

2013: The Year of Context Marketing | Six Stories Up

share For the past few years, the focus of much social media marketing has been on content…content…CONTENT! As 2013 has arrived (and I can’t believe I’m writing that), there...

Context vs. Content Marketing | Promotional Marketing content from Chief Marketer

I love the quote, "There are two kinds of people: Those who talk a lot and those who don't listen."There are also two kinds of marketing that apply directly to consumer promotion. You've heard all of the marketing derivatives - co-marketing, relationship marketing, one-to-one marketing, guerrilla marketing, ambush marketing, mass marketing, targeted marketing. I'm dumping all of these into two groups.

The Four C’s of Content Marketing – Context

Content is the obvious foundation of a well-executed content marketing strategy. I wrote about the importance of creating the right type of content to match your customers’ expectations at each stage of their buying journey. There’s another important dimension to content marketing I’d like to explore here – context.

Context Marketing: Why Your Content isn't Personal Enough

IMPACT digs into why your dynamic content may not be producing dynamic results for your company and how to feature more personalized, context marketing.

Context Marketing in Context: Beyond Inbound and Tactics

People's behavior, technology and the environment – or context - we do business in, constantly changes. Context marketing is the new buzzword.

Robert Scoble Talks About Advertising in the Age of Context

Robert Scoble was in Seattle this week to interview interesting Pacific Northwest startups. I met up with him outside Mozcon, where he interviewed me about mobi

The Power of Context Marketing [Super-Rich Coach Episode #3] - YouTube Glenn Dietzel is the Founder of Awakened, LLC, a leading thought company in the Recommendation Age. He has been at the forefront ...

Sensei Marketing2013: The Beginning of Context | Sensei Marketing

just ran a Google search: year of content. According to the results, some people were saying (in 2011) that 2012 would be year of content marketing, while others are saying 2013 would be that year. Pam Moore wrote a great post in June reminding us that content is not a shiny new object. I, for one, completely agree. Certainly, since the dawn of marketing, we have used content in all our outreach efforts. After all, what is marketing without content? A blank page!

Context, Value & The New Marketing Economy

The goal of marketing is not to win the battle of stories (as is the case for traditional media marketing), but to understand the abilities, emotions and activi

Context vs. Content Marketing | Promotional Marketing content from Chief Marketer

I love the quote, "There are two kinds of people: Those who talk a lot and those who don't listen."There are also two kinds of marketing that apply directly to consumer promotion. You've heard all of the marketing derivatives - co-marketing, relationship marketing, one-to-one marketing, guerrilla marketing, ambush marketing, mass marketing, targeted marketing. I'm dumping all of these into two groups.

Jim Holbrook's digital marketing thoughts

My perspective on digital marketing planning

Tuesday’s Tip: Why Context Matters – Forget Real-Time, Achieve Right-Time « A Software Insider's Point of View

Relationships. An individual may serve as an employee, a parent, part of a community group, or other designation. Understanding the relationships help brands and organizations understand a broader set of experiences that answer the question “Who and What”.
Time. Time provides temporal information. Time provides related services that answer the question”When”.
Location. Placement by geo-spatial coordinates helps with narrowing geographic relevancy. Location answers the question of “Where”
Business process. Process helps determine flow and work order. Process answers the question of “How”
Role. While related to relationships, the role is different because it addresses eligibility. Individuals can play different roles among a wide variety of relationships.
Sentiment. Sentiment seeks to understand how an individual feels about an issue. Sentiment answers one dimension of the question of “Why”.
Intent. Intent anticipates future behavior. Intent answers the second dimension of the question Why”

The Perfect Tool for Context Marketing | Marketing Automation - Pardot

There is no doubt that 2012 was the year of content marketing.

From B2B to B2C, large companies to small, content was front and center in marketing strategy meetings all over the globe. These companies realized the value of content and the tremendous results it can generate. However, content strategy is still relatively new to the business world and has a lot of room left to grow. What will the next step be? Context marketing.