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Updated by summitadultdayc on Sep 04, 2022
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At Summit Adult Day Center, we provide a structured and comprehensive program that provides functionally impaired individuals with socialization, supervision and monitoring, personal care, and nutrition in a protective setting.

Get Moving! Group Exercises for Seniors

Exercising has always been among the effective ways to attain overall health. No matter how old you are, engaging in regular physical exercises is always healthy for your body. We are even encouraged to exercise for a minimum of thirty minutes every day. Isn’t this very doable? But here’s an even more interesting thing to note. Exercising with friends or companions is even helpful for one’s health.

The Importance of a Healthy Diet

The older you become, the more important it is to pay attention to your health. This is because, with age, various aspects of your health will begin to diminish. You may feel less energetic, your eyesight may not be as good, and your memory may become foggy, and so on. These are all symptoms of aging. The good thing is, they can be prevented through a healthy lifestyle that includes a proper diet. Also, if you are worried about preparing these meals on your own, our adult day center in Jamaica, New York can help you out.

Keeping Your Mind Sharp: What You Can Do

As we age, it becomes more and more important to find ways to keep our minds sharp. This is because with age, our memories may become fuzzy, not as witty or quick as before, and tend to suffer from ever increasing amounts of brain fog. However, there are many methods that you can use in order to make sure that you can stay sharp in your golden years. Here are a few that you can try out now:

How Important Is Socialization for the Elderly?

In our adult day center in Jamaica, New York, healthy socialization is vital for a senior person’s wellbeing. After all, the need to connect and be with other people is something that age cannot stop. No matter how old we get, we still need and value the company and presence of others.

Correcting the Top 5 Aging Misconceptions

When you think about aging, what usually comes to your mind? Different people have different answers. However, what we feed our minds is going to influence greatly on how we see things around us. When we think of elderly age as a season full of opportunities, we will look forward to these years. However, when we think of senior years as a bleak season, we will dread its arrival.

How Older Adults Benefit from Yoga

Yoga offers plenty of benefits to people, most especially to older adults. How will your aging family members benefit from doing yoga? Check out the points below:

Outdoor Activities for People Aged 50 and Up

How often does your senior loved one go outdoors? Outdoor activities can be quite challenging for many people especially those who are aged 50 and above. Yet, some of these activities can be beneficial to a person. Participating in these events can also help them to stay sociable with others, which is also good for their mental health. In our adult day center in Jamaica, New York, outdoor activities are one of our offerings. We know that this can be advantageous for seniors.

Senior Care: Outdoor with Nature

When was the last time you took your seniors out? Or a field trip away from the city? It was a long time ago, wasn’t it?

How Bad Is Cholesterol to Seniors?

Many people who have high cholesterol levels die from complications of heart disease before even reaching an advanced age.

What Personal Shoppers for Seniors Do

Busy executives usually have personal assistants to do anything that they do not have the time for—like grocery shopping or pharmacy runs.

Tips to Keep Seniors Healthy During the Holidays

When we think of the holiday season, thoughts of gatherings and rich holiday meals usually come to mind.

Can You Help Your Seniors Socialize?

As we experience life, much of our experiences are tied with the interactions we have with other people.

Adult Day Care: Age in Place, Age with Grace

The adult day center in Jamaica is an alternative place or an extension to your home where you can age with grace.

Social Media and Seniors: Why Do We Stay Connected?

With the emerging social networking sites and applications, the advantages of using social media in all walks of life continue to multiply. Users aging 50 and above are increasing day by day because of the convenience social media offers.

A Sanctuary for Your Loved One

As an adult care facility in Jamaica, New York, we can provide a place where your loved ones can enjoy themselves and thrive.

Smart Tips to Get Picky Seniors to Eat

Do you have senior loved ones who are picky eaters? It can be a challenge to get them to eat! There are many reasons seniors lose their appetite, from medication after-taste to dental problems. Fortunately, there are ways to get them to eat again. Remember to be patient, creative, and determined.

Why Is Adult Daycare a Good Option for Seniors?

A senior daycare allows family and caregivers to rest and recharge while their loved one is cared for in a comfortable, caring setting.

Senior Travel: Ensuring Safety and Reducing Stress

This article provides some useful tips to keep you safe and stress-free on your nextTravel offers a plethora of new activities and experiences, but it may also present significant stressors, which can aggravate individuals in their golden years or adults with disabilities.trip or visit to an adult day center in Jamaica.

Tips on Proper Medication Management in Seniors

As we age, medications become part of our adult care. It helps manage our conditions, reduce symptoms, and overall improve our health. Improper medication management may lead to not reaching your health goals as well as serious health risks.