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Updated by Tyler Leach on Mar 19, 2019
Tyler Leach Tyler Leach
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What to Expect From Your Roof in Spring-Roofing in Greenville, SC

With winter come and gone, it is time to enjoy the fantastic weather of Spring. However, though spring comes with many fresh and beautiful things, there can be some downfalls. First, the green blanket is the bane of most Greenville residents. That green blanket covering your car is pollen. Though we have beautiful spring weather here in South Carolina, we suffer from allergies. Keep the Claridon close. For full article, click here:


April Showers Bring Leaking Roofs in May

If you have lived anywhere in the Upstate, Greenville, Spartanburg, Travelers Rest, etc., you know that rain is not the only storm issue we face. Hail can leave your residential roof riddled with damage. Also, wind can strip whole shingles straight off your roof. In short, storm damage can be a real pain for all. If you do end up with roof damage, look for a roofing contractor that has an insurance specialist on staff that can get assist you with a claim. Having a low deductible or no out of pocket expenses is worth the extra research. For more information on why a roofer should have a claim specialist: Insurance Expert


What Greenville's Spring Weather Means for Roofers

It may seem obvious that roofing companies are going to be busier during the stormy season. However, this is not necessarily a good thing for a home or business owners or roofers. Often times, a good roofing contractor will have more work than he or she has time for. This is why it is important for the homeowner to contact a roofer right away if they suspect storm damage. You want to be first in line when everyone starts calling their local roofing companies.Also, the stormy season can be hard for roofers just from a hiring position. The struggle to constantly find good workers is hard for any company, especially roofing contractors. Frankly, there aren't a lot of people wanting to get into skilled labor. However, it can be a very profitable line of work that everyone needs.


Allergies and Insulation

We can't end this article without talking about our dreaded nemesis: Pollen. Unfortunately, even if you aren't outside pollen and allergies can still affect you. However, there are many things that you can do about it.First, check your air filters. You should probably check them every 60-90 days. During the spring months, you can easily accumulate dust, pollen, and other allergens that can create a hard time.Second, check your insulation. Unfortunately, conventional insulation isn't the best for keeping out allergies. In fact, if you were to collect all of the spaces and holes that you have in your insulation, you would probably end up with a hole the size of a basketball. That amount of air flow can easily let pollen into your house. If you wish to completely seal your roof deck or walls, spray foam insulation would be the way to go. It completely seals entire spaces because it actually expands to fit the size of any space. Also, no pests tend to avoid spray foam. If you want to learn more about spray foam insulation, Spray foam insulation