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Updated by Arkansas Dental Care on Mar 28, 2019
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Get an appointment with Walnut Ridge Dental Care, nearest to the cities Jonesboro, Paragould AR for Cosmetic Dentistry. Find affordable Cosmetic Dentist for all dental treatments.


Root Canals and Dental Health

Endodontic therapy, also known as root canal therapy, is a treatment sequence for the infected pulp of a tooth which results in the elimination of infection and the protection of the decontaminated tooth from future microbial invasion.
A root canal is a treatment used to repair and save a tooth that is badly decayed or becomes infected. During a root canal procedure, the nerve and pulp are removed and the inside of the tooth is cleaned and sealed. Without treatment, the tissue surrounding the tooth will become infected and abscesses may form.

"Root canal" is the term used to describe the natural cavity within the center of the tooth. The pulp or pulp chamber is the soft area within the root canal. The tooth's nerve lies within the root canal.

Why Does Tooth Pulp Need to Be Removed
When a tooth's nerve tissue or pulp is damaged, it breaks down and bacteria begin to multiply within the pulp chamber. The bacteria and other decayed debris can cause an infection. An abscess is a pus-filled pocket that forms at the end of the roots of the tooth. An abscess occurs when the infection spreads all the way past the ends of the roots of the tooth. In addition to an abscess, an infection in the root canal of a tooth can cause:

• Swelling that may spread to other areas of the face, neck, or head

• Bone loss around the tip of the root

• Drainage problems extending outward from the root. A hole can occur through the side of the tooth with drainage into the gums or through the cheek with drainage into the skin.

Signs That a Root Canal Is Needed
A root canal requires one or more office visits and can be performed by a dentist or endodontist.
The choice of which type of dentist to use depends to some degree on the difficulty of the root canal procedure needed in your particular tooth and the general dentist's comfort level in working on your tooth.Your dentist will discuss who might be best suited to perform the work in your particular case.
The step in the procedure is to take an X-ray to see the shape of the root canals and determine if there are any signs of infection in a surrounding bone.


Dental porcelain veneers

Dental veneers or porcelain veneers are custom made wafer thin shells designed to cover the front surface of teeth to improve your appearance. These shells are bonded to the front of the teeth changing their color, shape, size, or length.
Dental veneers can be made from porcelain or from resin composite materials. Porcelain veneers resist stains better than resin veneers and better mimic the light reflecting properties of natural teeth. You will need to discuss the best choice of veneer material for you with your dentist.
Getting a dental veneer usually requires three trips to the dentist – one for a consultation and two to make and apply the veneers. One tooth or many teeth can simultaneously undergo the veneering process
Diagnosis and treatment planning -
This first step involves your active participation. Explain to your dentist the result that you are trying to achieve, your dentist will examine your teeth to make sure dental veneers are appropriate for you and possibly make impressions of your mouth and teeth.

Preparation -
To prepare a tooth for a veneer, your dentist will remove about 1/2 millimeter of enamel from the tooth surface, which is an amount nearly equal to the thickness of the veneer to be added to the tooth surface. Before trimming off the enamel, you and your dentist will decide the need for a local anesthetic to numb the area. Then, your dentist will make a model or impression of your tooth, this is then sent out to a dental laboratory, where the veneer is constructed. It usually takes 2-4 weeks for the veneers to be made.

Bonding -
Your dentist will temporarily place the dental veneer on your tooth to examine its fit and color.He will repeatedly remove and trim the veneer as needed to achieve the proper fit, the veneer color can be adjusted with the shade of cement to be used. Next, to prepare your tooth to receive the veneer, your tooth will be cleaned, polished, and etched. Once properly position on the tooth, your dentist will apply a special light beam to the dental veneer, which activates chemicals in the cement, causing it to harden or cure very quickly. The final steps involve removing any excess cement, evaluating your bite and making any final adjustments in the veneer as necessary.Your dentist may ask you to return for a follow-up visit in a couple of weeks to check how your gums are responding to the presence of your veneer and to once again examine the veneer's placement.

“Prevention is always better than treatment”so if it’s been a while since you’ve seen a dentist, please give us a call (888) 831-2517 or click to request an appointment


Mercury-Free Restorations

Metal crowns and fillings have held a typical place in dentistry for quite a long time.However, now you have an alternative means for restorations. With metal-free restorations, you’ll enjoy the benefits of a more natural appearance.
Metal-free crowns and fillings give you the most realistic natural appearance. Instead of being made from metal, the fillings and crowns are made from a composite or ceramic material that closely resembles your tooth. Porcelain can even be stained to perfectly match your teeth, giving you a beautiful smile.

In addition to mimicking the natural appearance of your teeth, metal-free fillings also don’t contain mercury. While the American Academy of Dentistry sates levels of mercury in metal fillings is minimal and can be considered “safe” for use, many remain concerned about using mercury in fillings. With composite fillings, this fear is resolved as the composite resin is completely free of all metals. This also makes them the perfect option for those who are sensitive to metals or have metal allergies.

Since the fillings are mercury-free, they are safe for patients of all ages and can resolve a number of oral health concerns. Using mercury-free fillings is especially important for pregnant women, where mercury fillings can increase the risk of brain damage and neurological disorders for their unborn baby. Now, pregnant women don’t have to put their oral health needs on hold as the metal-free fillings offered are a safe alternative with minimal health risks.
If you’d like to learn more about the benefit from metal-free restoration, contact us today for a consultation.



The anatomy of a tooth can be divided into two basic parts -- the root and the crown. The crown is the part of the tooth visible in the mouth, above the gum line on lower teeth and below the gum line on upper teeth. A cemented restoration that partially or completely covers the outside of the tooth is referred to as a dental crown.

Dental crown is a fixed prosthetic device which is used to cap the damaged tooth. It not only protects the tooth, but also enhances the appearance, shape and alignment. These Dental crown, when cemented into place, fully encase the entire visible portion of a tooth that lies at and above the gum line.

There are a variety of situations that require a tooth to be restored with a dental crown.
The following are the most common:

Large filling: When a tooth has a cavity or fracture that involves half the width of the tooth or more, it needs to be covered with a crown.

Root canal: Root canal treatment leaves the tooth hollowed out and predisposes the remaining tooth to cracking. So, a tooth that has had a root canal almost always needs to be restored with a crown immediately to prevent it from fracturing.

Broken cusps: Cusps frequently break off of teeth due to trauma or large existing fillings. Since the cusps are the part of the tooth that take the most stress during chewing, they need to be completely covered or the tooth or filling will keep fracturing.

Excessive wear of teeth: If a person has a habit of grinding their teeth, the teeth will become shorter over time. The teeth can also wear away due to acid erosion caused by gastrointestinal acid or an acidic diet. Sometimes, the enamel will wear away completely, leaving small, soft teeth.

Other: Crowns are placed on dental implants to restore spaces left from missing teeth. Another way of filling these spaces is with dental bridges, which are made from crowns on the teeth next to the spaces attached to fake teeth in the middle


Root Canal Treatment Jonesboro AR

Root Canal Treatment Jonesboro AR

Get an appointment with Walnut Ridge Dental Care, nearest to the cities Jonesboro, Paragould AR for Cosmetic Dentistry. Find affordable Cosmetic Dentist for all dental treatments.


Tooth Implant Jonesboro AR

Tooth Implant Jonesboro AR

Get an appointment with Walnut Ridge Dental Care, nearest to the cities Jonesboro, Paragould AR for Cosmetic Dentistry. Find affordable Cosmetic Dentist for all dental treatments.


Family Dentist Jonesboro AR

Family Dentist Jonesboro AR

Get an appointment with Walnut Ridge Dental Care, nearest to the cities Jonesboro, Paragould AR for Cosmetic Dentistry. Find affordable Cosmetic Dentist for all dental treatments.


Dentist Jonesboro AR

Dentist Jonesboro AR

Get an appointment with Walnut Ridge Dental Care, nearest to the cities Jonesboro, Paragould AR for Cosmetic Dentistry. Find affordable Cosmetic Dentist for all dental treatments.


Tooth Implant Procedure And Related Complications

Tooth Implant Procedure And Related Complications

Tooth implants are done where one or more teeth are missing for adults. An implant is surgically placed in an opening that made in the jawbone. A dental implant is a metal post that is surgically attached to the jaw bone to support an artificial tooth. After the implant attaches to your bone, it acts as a new "root" for the crown that will replace your missing tooth.

Denture implants have normally a high success rate, but some people experience dental implant as failure and is true in small percentage of patients. It’s estimated that about 5 to 10 percent of dental implants fail, either shortly after a procedure or months or years later. Here’s what you need to know about implant failure and other potential complications.

*Factors Impact Tooth Implant

Various factors can affect the success of a dental implant. These include:

  1. Gum Problems
    Healthy gums are a criteria for dental implant surgery, and you cannot have this procedure with any gum disease. Gum disease is an infection that can damage the gums and jaw bone. An unattended gum infection could develop around the implant and lead to failure.

  2. Smoking
    Smoking can also cause dental implant failure because it restricts blood flow to the gums, slowing the healing process. It is found that smokers can have a dental implant failure rate up to 20 percent.

Stop smoking one week prior to a dental implant and better not to smoke for at least two months after implant placement for its success.

  1. Weak jaw bone
    A successful procedure is also dependent on sufficient bone to support the implant. Without enough healthy bone, the dentist cannot surgically place the implant into your jaw. Because of osteoporosis bone density decreases and there is an increased risk of fractures and thus leads to implant failures.

  2. Medical Health
    Dental implant failure is a possibility for patients with disease or conditions like diabetes, which causes the body to heal at a slower pace.The use of certain medications can also lead to dental implant failure. Some medications may reduce new bone growth, thus affecting an implant fusing with the jaw bone and causes damages.

  3. Lack of dental check ups
    The ability to practice good oral hygiene after a dental implant also has an impact on the success rate. Thoroughly clean your teeth on a regular basis may help you from further dental issues and damages.

  4. Find Expert Surgeon
    Not all surgeons are good at this treatment and there’s a chance of tooth implant failure when your surgeon is not having sufficient experience in implant procedures. Also, choosing a skilled surgeon may prevent injury to the periodontal tissue.

*Dental Implant Planning

A thorough examination of your mouth by a surgeon lets them assess the health of your gums and jaw bone to allow for planning the procedures to follow as part of the treatment. Careful planning helps your surgeon to identify issues that could interfere with an implant. Dental X-rays give the surgeon an idea of your overall oral health and thus can assess whether a dental implant will succeed on a patient. Understanding of your medical history, conditions also helps to plan the procedure and medications after the implant.

An experienced surgeon and his team can plan your dental treatment effectively and can save unnecessary damages in terms of money and health. Finding out the right surgeon is the key factor we advocate for your beautiful smile and better dental health.


Discount Dental Plan Jonesboro, Paragould AR

Discount Dental Plan Jonesboro, Paragould AR

Walnut Ridge Dental Care offers various dental plans for existing and new patients for their ongoing dental care. We have special discount plans for all sectors including children to make their long term dental care affordable and attractive. Regular dental checkups and professional dental cleaning help to maintain healthy teeth and prevents huge dental treatment bills in future. A beautiful smile is a reflection of confidence in a person and is always an easy ice breaker. We are always ready to partner with you to maintain your healthy, beautiful smile. Prevention is always better than cure, so if it is been a while since you have consulted a dentist, please give us a call or click to request an appointment. Save Money on dental treatments with our discounted dental plan offers and gain a beautiful smile for life!