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Updated by jennifermcdowell322 on Mar 08, 2019
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Options for Thinning Hair

A full head of health exudes health, youth and beauty. It can be disconcerting and worrisome when you notice your hair is thinning. There are many causes to thinning hair including hereditary, medications and having certain illnesses and health conditions. Thinning hair, in most cases lead to hair loss if not treated. Though baldness is often associated with men, women also can experience thinning hair and hair loss.


Hair Thinning Shampoo

Hair Thinning Shampoo

Specialized hair thinning shampoo works to enhance the volume of one’s natural hair while also including important amino acids and vitamins to improve the health of the scalp. Damaged skin cells of the scalp can contribute to thinning hair and hair loss. A prescription strength version of hair thinning shampoo can be prescribed by one’s doctor.


Scalp Massage

Scalp Massage

Dead skin cells and poor circulation of the scalp can lead to thinning hair. Massaging your scalp with shampoo, gently applying pressure on the scalp can get the blood flowing and help remove dander (dead skin cells).


Take Your Vitamins and Supplements

Take Your Vitamins and Supplements

Proper nutrition is important for hair growth. Multivitamins are great for giving you the hair growing nutrients you need and which may be lacking in your diet. Iron, folic acid, biotin, zinc, Omega-3 and fatty acids are important nutrients needed for hair growth and hair and scalp health. If you’re deficient in any of these, you increase your risk of thinning hair and hair loss.


Try Essential Oils

Lavender essential oil combined with thyme or rosemary can help postpone baldness. While some people have had success using these essential oils in treating their baldness, there isn’t a lot of evidence supporting the effectiveness of essential oils in treating thinning hair and baldness.


Topical Hair Treatments

Topical Hair Treatments

Over the counter hair loss topical products that are applied directly onto the scalp, such as Rogaine, can help thin hair become thicker and encourage hair growth on bald spots. These products often come in liquid or foam form. These products often require daily application and can take many weeks for one to see results.


Hair Loss Pills

Hair Loss Pills

There are multiple hair loss pills designed for men and women experiencing thinning hair and hair loss. The two common hair loss pills include Spironolactone for women and Finasteride for men.


Wigs, Hair Extensions, Wiglets, Toupees

Wigs, Hair Extensions, Wiglets, Toupees

This thin hair treatment option is popular for women and those with widespread hair thinning and baldness. Wigs and other hair accessories can last many years with proper care, are quick and easy to put on and immediately get that great-looking head of hair you want. With wigs one can also change their look, not being confined to the color, style, length or texture of his or her natural hair.


Laser Therapy

Traditionally used by skin specialists and dermatologists, laser therapy can be effective to help regrow thinning or lost hair. Some laser therapy treatments have been approved for personal home use. These machines, however, can be expensive and they may or may not be effective in giving one thicker hair.
The biggest drawback of at-home laser therapy is the cost. Some machines are sold for hundreds of dollars, and they may not work. Talk to your healthcare provider before making such a large investment.


Professional Hair Restoration Procedures

Professional Hair Restoration Procedures

Those experiencing permanent and/or widespread hair loss may not be helped with the abovementioned suggestions. For these severe cases of thinning or lost hair, more invasive measures may need to be taken. Below are some of the more common hair restoration procedures dermatologists and skin professionals may undertake:
• Hair Transplant or Hair Grafting
• Scalp Reduction
• PRP (platelet-rich plasma) Procedure
Thinning hair and hair loss are things most people dread. Fortunately, there are many options in treating these common issues. Treatments can range from cheap, easy shampooing and scalp massaging at home to using a wig to expensive, invasive hair transplants done in a medical office. At Best Wigs Outlet, you can find a variety of hairstyles, colors, textures and lengths to give you the healthy, youthful, vibrant, full head of hair you desire.