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Updated by WaterProfessionals on Mar 08, 2019
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7 Things You Should Know About Process Water

Most industrial businesses require water in order to run their company’s processes. They make use of industrial treatment water systems. Water produced by these systems is checked or tested in order to guarantee that it’s as pure as it needs to be, prior to its use in the particular industrial process that it’s meant for. Such water is known as process water.

Here are five facts you should know about process water. To learn more about process water, visit us at


Process water is treated source water.

Process water is treated source water.

The source water that industrial companies acquire for use in their day-to-day processes, often arrives contaminated with dissolved minerals and other solids, and needs to be treated before it can be utilized. Once this source water has been treated according to the standards of their industry, it becomes ready for use and is known as process water.


Untreated process water can be dangerous.

If source water isn’t properly treated and is used as process water, a number of things can go wrong. Dissolved minerals within process water can cause streaking, fouling, spotting and adherence interference. These things cause industrial systems to corrode and can cost a company valuable time and resources, and can result in exorbitant maintenance costs.


There are numerous ways to treat process water.

WaterProfessionals® provides a number of ways to treat source water, process water, and waste water. Among the most common forms of process water treatment are activated carbon filters, aeration, dealkalization, microfiltration, reverse osmosis and ultrafiltration. All of these filtration processes have specific contaminants and minerals that they remove best. Expertly-designed water treatment systems have been shown to help reduce the presence of oil, bacteria, acidity and dissolved organic compounds from process water. If ultrapure water is needed, WaterProfessionals® provides solutions for this as well.


Custom-designed water treatment systems are best.

Custom-designed water treatment systems are best.

Given that every industry has its own specific needs when it comes to water usage, and has to adhere to specific rules and regulations that they must adhere to in regards to water, it is easier, safer, and more cost effective, to commission a customized industrial water treatment system from WaterProfessionals®. WaterProfessionals® works with companies to create water treatment systems that are specifically designed to treat water that meets each company’s standards and requirements.


Treated process water addresses a wide range of problems.

Treated process water addresses a wide range of problems.

Due to the knowledge and expertise of WaterProfessionals®, industrial companies enjoy process water that has been properly treated by a WaterProfessionals® industrial water treatment system. Thus, a large array of water problems that often plague industrial companies, can be mitigated.




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