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Updated by aabdul810 on Mar 06, 2019
aabdul810 aabdul810
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Social Justice

Explore topics related to social justice issues as background and preparation for the 10th grade project.

April 24, 2015 ~ America's Incarcerated | August 14, 2015 | Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly | PBS

TIM O’BRIEN, correspondent: While the crime rate has steadily declined in the United States over the last two decades, the incarceration rate has all but exploded, from around 300,000 inmates in 1972 to roughly 2.3 million today. The United States has only 5 percent of the world’s population, but nearly 25 percent of the world’s prisoners.

Second Chance Kids | Watch S35 E11 | FRONTLINE | PBS | Official Site

Watch full-length episodes of PBS documentary series FRONTLINE for free. Second Chance Kids - Inside the fight over the fate of juveniles in prison for murder, following a landmark Supreme Court ruling.

In Prison, Discipline Comes Down Hardest On Women : NPR

Data from 15 states reveal that female inmates are disciplined at higher rates than men for smaller infractions of prison rules — often with harsh consequences.

Opioid Epidemic: Highest Rate Of Overdose Deaths Found In D.C. : NPR

Lulu Garcia-Navarro speaks with Dr. Tanya Royster, the director of Washington, D.C.'s Department of Behavioral Health about the surge in opioid deaths in the city.

Fight The Opioid Epidemic, All Agree. But What Works Best? : Shots - Health News : NPR

Officials across Arizona agree that the state must solve its growing opioid problem. But some people fear that several strategies under consideration encourage drug use.

Civil Rights of American Muslims | March 30, 2011 | Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly | PBS

"As Muslim societies wrestle with how to treat religious minorities, let them look to our nation," said Cardinal Theodore McCarrick this week in his congressional testimony on protecting the civil rights of American Muslims. Watch excerpts from the hearing.

Video | Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly | PBS

Faith communities across the country are offering their houses of worship as places of sanctuary for undocumented immigrants; and it was Martin Luther, a stubborn monk and towering thinker, whose own spiritual crisis began a momentous religious revolution in 1517.

U.S. Pulls Out Of U.N. Human Rights Council : NPR

The Trump administration pulled out of the U.N. Human Rights Council, saying it's hypocritical in who it criticizes. But that could cede influence to some countries with a record for violations.

Help victims of sex trafficking start new lives

About 4.8 million people worldwide became victims of sex trafficking in 2016. Sex trafficking is commercial sex induced by force, fraud or coercion or performed by a minor. Countless victims simply can't reach out. But you can help.

Mayo Clinic Minute: Facts about the opioid epidemic

The opioid epidemic continues to impact thousands in the U.S. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, deaths from prescription opioid me...

What is Human Trafficking

In a small town, people are dreaming: a man dreams of buying a house; a woman dreams of travelling; and an adolescent dreams of attending university. As each...

Introduction to Propaganda

In this lecture we investigate the nature of propaganda. We examine what propaganda is, the difference between education and propaganda, the history of propa...

Report: Child Poverty Could Be Cut In Half Over 10 Years, At A Hefty Price : NPR

A new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine lays out how to cut child poverty in half in 10 years.