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Updated by bluearrowtelematics1usa on May 15, 2019
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BlueArrow Telematics

We are the prominent online site provides the highest technology-based tracking device at fair prices for you to maintain your tracking update.

Safety Administration For The Motor Vehicles

ELD mandate is the unique law that provides certain guidelines for the truck drivers. It provides the way truck drivers have to drive in order to ensure the safety of the vehicle as well as the driver.

Leading Mobile Workforce Technologies

We are the leading online market and Improve your fleet's productivity, tracking, and safety rating. Reduce downtime, accidents, maintenance costs, and risk.

Quick And Effective In-Vehicle Camera

We provide you the latest technologies based in-vehicle camera which provide you crystal clear images. Also, send all the record in your mail.

Efficient Asset Tracking System

Our asset tracking system saves organization time and money and you can easily track your valuable assets. Also, lower administration cost as administrators does not need to track assets manually and save time.

Forward Collision Warning System

Collision avoidance system warns the driver a few seconds before an unfortunate incident. Grow your business with our highest quality products.

Asset Tracking System

Bluearrow Telematics provides reliable GPS tracking device customized to fit your company's specific needs. Know the locations of all your valuable assets with our robust asset tracking system!




BlueArrow Telematics; fleet management & tracking solutions for small business, government mobile workforces. GPS tracking, in-vehicle cameras, maintenance, tire maintenance, distracted driving, paperless forms, ELD, driver safety. Vehicular safety, fewer accidents, fuel savings, accident savings.

Collision Avoidance System

Rear-end collisions are one of the most common accidents caused by driver inattention. We understand this major problem and develop the best collision avoidance system. Our Collision Avoidance System warns drivers of the risk of an accident before it happens.

Track Your Small To Medium Assets With Bluetooth Tracking by bluearrowtelematics

Avoid the risk of any major accident as our collision avoidance system continuously scans the area in front of your vehicle, detecting all types of vehicles in your path including motorcycles to help you prevent all minor and major accidents.

Vehicle Camera System

BlueArrow Telematics help small business to protect their vehicle, fleet, and workforce with vehicle tracking systems. Track your vehicle inside and outside with our vehicle camera system.

Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs)

The basic use of ELD devices is to record complete details of driver duty status time to consume fuel consumption and regarding time taken by vehicle during the trip.

Forward Collision Avoidance System

Collision avoidance system plays a vital role in order to avoid the risk of an accident so in order to provide the safety we introduce our highest quality tracking system.

Equip Your Vehicle With An Advanced GPS Tracker by bluearrowtelematics

Advanced GPS tracking devices are the need of modern era as for any organization one of the important things is to manage vehicle and safety and all these things can be cover by installing GPS tracker.

Highest Rated Products In Our GPS Trackers Store

An amazing security device as deriver faces many dangers on the road so our products are ideal for you and your organization provide save the environment and avoid form any hazards.

GPS Tracking System

Tracking systems in Rayleigh are taking many progressive measures to get the highest outcomes that may have never seen before. From a long time been, GPS tracking system has already gained so much popularity and the most vital systems across the world run on this boon of technology. From satellite navigation to detection of vehicles, everything runs on the GPS tracking systems. These days, GPS tracking system has found its application in personal use too. This system is installed in your smart devices like smartphones, smartwatches, GPS tracker in cars and many more. You can easily search for the routes to go, finding your lost devices, etc, from this system, by just having a secure internet connection.

Improve Fleets Productivity Dispatch Time And Fuel Consumption

There is a number of reasons where every business owner wants to track their vehicle as in case of the bad behavior of the driver or in case of stolen also aware of the movement of the employee. Our tracking system can be controlled remotely.

Create Zones For Tracking Your Vehicle

Set your own speed limit with our real-time tracking system and get alerts whenever it reaches out of the maximum speed you set for your vehicle. See the average value of your fuel consumption also a number of stops and much more with the help of our real-time tracking devices.LIve a life of peace.

US Fleet Tracking Solution by bluearrowtelematics

A vehicle tracking system is the latest technology based system which is the combination of automatic vehicle location and software which used to analyse the tracking devices