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Updated by oliveblovett on Feb 26, 2019
oliveblovett oliveblovett
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Cranial Osteopathy

Cranial Osteopathy (CO) is one of the many different techniques that a Manual Osteopath may use during a treatment session.CO is able to help alleviate a wide variety of dysfunctions, from jaw pain and headaches to chronic pain and sports injuries to digestive issues and anxiety. CO is also very relaxing and is often used at the beginning and end of treatment to help calm the body and bring it to a state of ease.

What is Cranial Osteopathy? - gesund - wellness clinic + shop

Cranial Osteopathy (CO) is one of the many different techniques that a Manual Osteopath may use during a treatment session. Also known as Craniosacral Therapy or Cranial Therapy, CO uses light palpations of the cranium (bones that make up the skull and face), spine and sacrum (low back/pelvis area) to find and release restrictions along the Dural Tube.The Dural Tube is a tadpole-like structure that surrounds our brain and extends down along the spinal column to the sacrum. The Dural Tube is full of Cerebral Spinal Fluid (CSF), which acts like a shock absorber by cushioning our brain and spinal cord. CSF also provides nourishment to the Central Nervous System and removes waste material. Restrictions in the Dural Tube can negatively affect the performance of CSF and the organs and the muscles that the restricted group of nerves innervate. Your Manual Osteopath will gently palpate different areas of the body, such as the head and sacrum, to feel for the ease of motion and rhythm of the CSF to help them find restrictions. Some of the palpations are so light that you might not even feel them.