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Updated by tonyseyehospital on Jun 24, 2019
Headline for Most Advanced And Affordable Eye Treatments In Kerala
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Most Advanced And Affordable Eye Treatments In Kerala

Get clear vision from Dr.Tony Fernandez Eye Hospital, one of the leading eye hospital in Kerala. It was a start-up established by proficient and renowned ophthalmologists under the leadership of Dr. S. Tony Fernandez, recipient of Padma Shri and BC Roy awards. The clinic offers the best available treatments for all eye problems from common conditions to rare conditions.


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Myopia is a condition in which the patient can see near objects clearly , but find difficulty to see objests which are farther away. The farther objects appears blurred. It is a condition in which the light which comes inside will not directly focus on the retina but in front of it.

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Hyperopia or Farsightedness is the condition in which the patient can view the far objects clearly but the near ones will get blurred. It happens when the eye ball is too small or the cornea is having too little curvature. As a result the light cannot proerly focus on the retina.

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The clouding of the eye's natural lens is called cataract. It is the most common and significant cause for loss of vision in people. Clouded or blurred vision, poor night vision, sensitivity to light, fading or yellowing of colors, halos around light etc are some of the symptoms of cataract. The best and most-effective treatment for Cataract is Cataract surgery.

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Squint is a condition of the eyes in which the two eyes are misaligned. The misaligned eyes can point to any directions like upward, downwards, inward or outward.

Don't ignore these symptoms

  • Eyes will point to different directions
  • Overlapped or blurred images
  • Difficulty in reading
  • Double or poor vision
  • Tired eyes
  • children will tilt their head to use their eyes together
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Glaucoma is a condition in which the eye's optic nerve get worsened. It generally happens due to the pressure inside the eyes. Glaucoma cannot be detected at first as there won't be any symptoms. You have to consult your doctor regularly and diagnose and treat glaucoma to prevent permanent vision loss.

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Refractive surgery or laser correction surgery is a procedure in which a flap of the corneal surface is raised and the thin layer of the underlying tissue is remove using laser.

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Diabetic retinopathy is a diabetic related eye disese which affects the light sensitive retina located at the back of the eye. As the blood sugar level increases it causes damage to the small blood vessels in the retina which makes them to bleed. Finally it leads to eye problems that cannot be corrected with spectacles or contact lenses.

Occuloplasty or Occuloplastic surgery refers to the corrective, cosmetic or reconstructive surgery performed to manage and correct the problems associated with tissues or structures surrounding the eye. This mainly includes eyelids, orbit and the lacrimal system.

Occuloplasty is done to correct or treat the following ailments or problems of the eye

  • Droopy eyelids
  • Lazy eye in children(amblyopia)
  • Watery eyes
  • Socket Reconstruction
  • In-turned eyes
  • Protrusion of the eyeball
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Dr Tony Fernandez Eye Hospital Aluva - High Road, Aluva, India 683101 - Rated 4.4 based on 16 Reviews "Most trusted eye hospital. Follows great ethics,...

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