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Updated by Joanna James on May 02, 2024
Headline for Top 10 reasons to choose a Maritime Career – Reasons to make the sea your professional home
Joanna James Joanna James
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Top 10 reasons to choose a Maritime Career – Reasons to make the sea your professional home

If you are someone who has always wondered if you are meant for a Maritime career then here are the top 10 reasons that would tip the scale.


A good pay

It does not come as a surprise that even though we might make a career out of something that we are passionate about at the end of the day it is important to know how our bank account will do. Marines are paid well for the hard work they do and for the price they pay for staying away from their families.


Learn to be responsible

In the field as a marine you will be given responsibilities from a young age and that will build your personality and make you a worthy citizen for your country and to your family. Even at universities such as CINEC, academic staff is continuously advised to teach the importance of responsibility through actions during the course of learning even before they go into the field.


International recognition

If you wish to move abroad or do decide to migrate at some point during your life, having a maritime career will allow you to switch with ease as there are many job opportunities for the different qualifications. For example if you have completed engineering courses in Sri Lanka you can still switch to another country to complete your education or if you have completed your degree and wish to find a job in another country you have the opportunity to do so.


Long vacations

Even though sea fearers do have to spend days to weeks at a stretch away from home there is a benefit to that as you get to stay at home for longer time periods. When most jobs will offer a maximum of two to three weeks of vacation marines get about four to five weeks of vacation time.


Spontaneous and exciting

There is always something exciting happening and you won't be doing the same thing over and over again. You will not feel the monotony of working at a day job because each day has something new.


Transferable skills

Since you will be trained for a lot of skills outside what you have earned a degree in, you will always have the opportunity to switch careers if you wish to do so. Once you build a family and you feel the need to stay by your family more, you have the opportunity to switch careers with your experience.


Job security

Marines will never run out of job opportunities as the demand for Marines is on the rise with the development in countries and in technology so if you decide to be a marine you will never have to worry about being unemployed.


Opportunity to travel

It is undisputable that travelling is expensive and as a seafarer you will get to travel to a number of different countries at a young age even though you might not get to linger in them for long periods.


Unforgettable experiences

The life away from home will expose you to so much that it will shape your life up and give you so many different experiences. It is said that experience is what will shape-up the personality.


Friends for life

When you live away from home you become a family. The life as a marine will give you a second family that you can always count on.