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Updated by siphendosi on Aug 22, 2023
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A Bacterium: Ideonella sakaiensis-201-F6 -Plastic Eating Bacteria

A Bacterium that munches on plastics🤤, Ideonella sakaiensis-201-F6. Here are some fascinating articles and video links ,get to explore the epic adventure of plastic eating microbes. This bacteria could be our rescue from plastic contamination and creates more environmental friendly recycling🌍


Figure 1: An image of Ideonella sakaiensis bacteria shown under scanning electron microscopy

Figure 1: An image of Ideonella sakaiensis bacteria shown under scanning electron microscopy

Ideonella sakaiensis is a gram negative , aerobic and rod shaped microorganism, hence it does not form spores. In-terms of physical appearance, I. sakaiensis colonies examined on the agar plate are colorless, smooth and circular however sizes varies from 0.5-1.5 μm .The individual cells of the organism are motile and have a single flagellum. I. sakaiensis tests positive for oxidase and catalase. The bacterium grows at a pH range of 5.5 to 9.0 (optimally 7 to 7.5) and a temperature of 15–42 °C (optimally at 30–37 °C).

Ideonella sakaiensis - Wikipedia

Ideonella sakaiensis is a bacterium from the genus Ideonella and family Comamonadaceae capable of breaking down PET plastic which was isolated from outside a plastic bottle recycling facility.[2]

How plastic-eating bacteria actually work – a chemist explains

The newfound species -- named Ideonella sakaiensis 201-F6 -- breaks down the PET plastic in bottles by using two enzymes to hydrolyze poly[ethylene terephthalate], or PET.

Plastic eating bacteria

It provides hopefull concepts and solutions for degradation and recycling of other degradation- resistant plastic materials.

Scientists Have Found Plastic-Eating Bacteria

Hope you enjoy this video👌. An extraordinary microbes"Eating plastic and save the world🌍🌍"


figure2: Illustration of a plastic eating bacteria

figure2: Illustration of a plastic eating bacteria