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Updated by Chris Knight on Feb 15, 2019
Chris Knight Chris Knight
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Top 5 travel chatbots

It is getting harder to find a weekend break or book a flight without coming across a travel bot, some are a lot better then others, here are some of the best. If you brand doesn't have a bot, adding one is easier than you'd think.

Hipmunk has the best bot on the travel block

Most travel bots offer the basics, but Hipmunk helps you find cheap flights and deals on hotels or car rentals all in the bot, rather than dragging you to other sites or pages. One of the most respected bots, it is created to be fun and engaging, matching the brand.

KLM flight information

Royal Dutch Airline KLM’s brand has a great social media presence and is making great use of its Facebook Messenger chatbot. The bot has extended its bot functions beyond flight finding and booking by offering a smart way to receive your flight documentation. Booking confirmation, check-in notifications, boarding passes and flight status updates can all be delivered by Messenger. 24/7, so the flyer is always ready to go. 27,864,472 hotel and property listings worldwide. 172+ million hotel reviews. is another brand trying to expand the use of its desktop and mobile bot beyond the basics. One feature of note is the two-sided nature of the bot, allowing users to start chats involving their account and allowing partner or destination hotels to send notifications and updates.

Mezi - Your Personal Travel Assistant

Regular travellers have a lot on their mind and Mezi is helping them stay on top of the details by building an advanced AI for travel, helping find hotels, flights and the best dining spots.

Create A Booking Travel Chatbot using SnatchBot

Brands of all sizes are increasingly relying on bots to deal with the growing customer service workload. Using the SnatchBot Booking Travel Template, booking travel companies can offer a bot service to help revolutionize their customer's experiences.