Listly by snedubazana
My adopted bacteria is the lactobacillus acidophilus. I found this particular one interesting because its one of the types of friendly bacteria, we seem to have a symbiotic relationship with them meaning they are dependent on us and we on them. Here's the best bit you can also get your L. acidophilus in chocolate too, well not all chocolate just the ombar raw chocolate bars.
lactobacillus acidophilus is a type of bacteria found in your intestines and plays a very important role in human health.its name gives an indication of what it produces-lactic acid, it does this by producing an enzyme called lactase. lactobacillus acidophilus is one of the most common types of probiotics and can be found in fermented foods,yogurt and supplements. probiotics are live bacteria and yeasts that are good for you especially your digestive system.
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lactobacillus acidophilus is known to benefit ones health in 9 different ways, 1. helps in the prevention and reduction of diarrhea,2. can improve symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, 3.may help in the reduction of cholesterol, 4. can help in the treatment and prevention of vaginal infections, 5.promotes weight loss, 6.helps in the prevention of allergies, 7.prevents and reduces cold and flue symptoms, 8.prevents symptoms of eczema, 9. its good for your gut health.
to prevent antibiotic related diarrhea, take it two to three hours after the antibiotic. For vaginal yeast infections, use probiotic suppositories specifically designed for vaginal use. for intestinal health: take one to 15 billion CFUs daily, if a healthy adult
lactobacillus acidophilus has the ability to ferment sugars into lactic acid and it grows readily at lower pH values, below 5 with an optimum growth temperature of 30 degrees. it is very much important for the optimum health because it produces vitamin k, lactase and anti-microbial substances such as acidolin,acidolpphilin, lactocidin, and bacteriocin. a strong flora of lactobacillus acidophilus is needed to prevent overgrowth of dangerous bacteria in human intestines, and prevention of many diseases.
ingestion of lactobacillus acidophilus is considered safe but certain portions of population are discouraged from taking this bacterium as a supplement. pregnant women or people with intestinal demage, weakened immune system or overgrowth of intestinal bacteria should avoid taking lactobacillus acidophilus supplements. as any other food supplement, lactobacillus acidophilus is not been approved by FDA for safety,effectiveness or purity.