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Updated by Andile Mazibuko on Feb 21, 2019
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Adopt a Bacterium - Lactobacillus brevis

The bacterium I adopted is Lactobacillus brevis. Lactobacillus brevis is a type of lactic acid bacteria that is found in milk products and in some plants as they decompose. It is a beneficial bacterium which can be used for health purposes, fermentation and in wine and beer making.


Gram positive, rod shaped Lactobacillus brevis

Gram positive, rod shaped Lactobacillus brevis

Lactobacillus brevis colony formation in an agar plant

Lactobacillus brevis colony formation in an agar plant

Lactobacillus brevis colonies in an agar plate.


Lactobacillus brevis as a beneficial probiotic.

Lactobacillus brevis as a beneficial probiotic.

Lactobacillus brevis bacteria were characterized by their ability to metabolize certain carbon and sugars and can produce acetic acid and mannitol. Mannitol is another carbon sourcethat produces lactic acid. L.brevis has a lot of health benefits. Although it is a probiotic that can have risks,like systematic infections and immune system complications, it has the ability to boost the effectiveness of antibiotics. These bacteria can also help treat diarrhea in children and support natural killer cell activity to adults. Natural killer cells are type of pathogen killing cell that fight infections and stop the growth of cancer.


Lactobacillus brevis

Lactobacillus brevis

Lactobacillus species were discovered in 1921 by E.B. Fred,W.H. Peterson and J.A. Anderson. It is a lactic bacteria. L.brevis is a gram-positive, rod shaped species that creates carbon dioxide and lactic acid during fermentation. It consists of approximately three strains. It can be found in fermented food and as a normal microbiota. L.brevis can be found in food such as pickles. L.brevis is used in the making of wine and beer though it may negatively affect the taste, cause beer spoilage and have side effects that can be unsafe for consumption, L.brevis has a lot of health benefits and exists in small amounts in the human body and breast milk.

Strengthen immune system with lactobacillus brevis in colon Part 2 vaginal yeast infection

The main cause of vaginal yeast infection is: stress, fatigue, lack of rest or decreased body immunity caused by illness. L.brevis bacteria helps stimulate the immune system to avoid the vaginal yeast infections which might lead to cancer.

Probiotic and milk technological properties of Lactobacillus brevis. - PubMed - NCBI

Two lactobacillus brevis strains ATCC 8287 and ATCC 14869(T) were evaluated to be applicable as probiotics. Both L.brevis strains are resistant to vancomycin typical for lactobacillus genus. L.brevis was concluded to be a good probiotic supplement in dairy products.

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