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Updated by Juliet Abram on Apr 29, 2020
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5 Fun Fast Facts from Last Night's State of the Union Address

Last night's State of the Union address addressed a lot of issues but what was notably absent were facts to go along with the claims. From crime and investigation along with laws empowering and laws controlling women, to Nancy Pelosi's now-legendary hard clap and O.J. Simpson's words of wisdom; Finally, here is a list breaking down what it all meant, especially for those wondering what this Border Wall might look like.


Foolish Wars & Investigations

Foolish Wars & Investigations

Trump's 2019 State of the Union address called for an_** END_ to "foolish wars, politics, or partisan investigations." However, if you bothered to ask his _buddy _ **O.J. Simpson ,as TMZ reported February 5th, "he's got a warning for him ... messing with Roger Stone might get ya impeached." Seriously, you have real issues if the Juice has become an expert at your particular situation and life circumstances. Meanwhile, Robert Mueller and company (a.k.a. _the DOJ *_a.k.a. the *Department of Justice) is investigating & so is the Justice Department of Southern District New York, and the attorneys general in Maryland and D.C. Yikes! Hope your attorneys don't have law degrees from Trump University!1.


Giving Voting Rights

Giving Voting Rights

"Exactly one century after Congress passed the constitutional amendment giving women the right to vote, we also have more women serving in Congress than at any time before."


Mission Aborted

Mission Aborted

Narcissistic abusers love to use a manipulation technique called "love-bombing" and wouldn't you know it-Donald Trump could not resist playing one of his favorite games. He seemingly took credit for creating more jobs for women using a managerial technique called "I'll make men look so bad, people will vote in women." _ He claimed a century ago women were given the right to vote, although the 19th Amendment was not ratified until 1920 the amendment _technically _passed in June of 1920. But then he had to go from the crowd-pleasing topic of paid family leave, a concept that will not fly for many working families with parents employed at Walmart or McDonald's, and nosedived straight into the imaginary world of "late-term abortions." Problem is, there is _NO SUCH THING AS LATE-TERM ABORTIONS in the medical community.

Seriously, stop using those words when you don't know what they mean. Abortions after 24 weeks make up approximately 1% of all abortions. Quick! What's 1% of a million? Ten thousand. 10,000. So pro-lifers, do the math. Trump basically said all other abortions are legal, roughly 990,000 of them. He has no interest in catering to your evangelical asses either because Trump is a master-manipulator.

In all seriousness, though, abortions after 24 weeks are something like 99% always for medical reasons, meaning if the risk is to the mother's life the fetus is removed and hopefully survives a premature birth. Or, the fetus' organs are developing outside of the body, a condition called limb-body wall complex. Septic shock, extreme loss of blood, preeclampsia, uterine infections, and other life-threatening medical reasons require abortions. A lot of times, however, most of the time, if a labor can be induced or a C-section performed this is the most optimal outcome.

_Again, we're talking 10,000 terminated pregnancies per year are abortions after 24 weeks. _ Also, your daughter wore white like all the Democratic women recognizing the 19th Amendment, women suffragists, and the ERA did, so... Aw... snap! Way to go Tiffany Trump!


See-Thru Wall

See-Thru Wall

Trump now says: “This is a smart, strategic, see-through steel barrier –not just a simple concrete wall."

Do you know what else has steel frames and is also see-thru?** Drive-thru windows. ** We all know how much POTUS loves his fast food. Wouldn't it make sense that the wall at the Southern border would emulate fast food establishments, perhaps with a nifty menu of items to choose from, whether it's "just visiting" or "asylum seeking" or "over staying my visa." If you're bringing additional family members, just super size it!


Hard-Clapping Crime-Statting

Hard-Clapping Crime-Statting

It takes a real criminal to be an expert on crime, so perhaps Trump's numerous contradictions on crime is a decoy to throw off Mueller's dogs off the scent of his trail. Gosh, Donnie is just too stupid to be a criminal mastermind!

One minute, he's claiming black Americans are disproportionately imprisoned which as close as you'll get to saying our big-fat-super-sized-French-fry-chomping-HAMBERDER-munching-milkshake-guzzling-country has a racist justice system.

But the next minute, all of the REAL criminals are at the border and they're the ones the little cartoon cop cars can't seem to nab because, gosh darn it, the racist cops are too busy arresting all of the black Americans. No, that's not it, it's because we need a wall, in some places, not all places. You know what, it's all bull poop.

Nancy Pelosi, just give this a HARD CLAP.