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Updated by Dipali Garad on Jan 18, 2021
Dipali Garad Dipali Garad
19 items   1 followers   13 votes   64 views

Staffing (Recruitment & Onboarding)

The list is all about Staffing. Staffing includes various processes in that recruitment, onboarding, background verification, screening. There are many new technologies coming in onboarding process.

3 B2C Companies Using AI to Transform their Candidate Sourcing Strategies

Technology has completely transformed how companies approach daily tasks and mission-critical activities. In the last two decades specifically, digital innovations have impacted almost every vertical including marketing, sales, and human resources. Today, even if you’re not a tech-based company – or operating in the tech industry – you cannot ignore cutting-edge solutions such as AI, machine learning, and deep learning.

AI has had an impact on the structuring of job boards, applicant tracking systems, networking sites, and other recruitment essentials. And as the availability of online recruiting tools increases exponentially (causing a rise in applicant numbers) AI could be that all-important lever. It can help recruiters address roadblocks and inefficiencies – eliminating unqualified candidates, gauging potential, and helping hire the brightest minds at optimized costs.

The Role of the Chief Learning Officer in the Age of AI

Chief Learning Officers today are tasked with far greater responsibility, taking the reins as organizations enter the age of AI. We discuss the impact of this disruptive technology and three things every Chief Learning Officer must remember to succeed.

7 Reasons to Invest in Smart Recruiting technology

We tell you why Recruiting technology recruiting technology is rapidly finding its own unique place in the HR technology market, encouraging buy-in from the world’s leading employers.

Why companies need to remember the “I” in D&I

When talking about D&I, it is easy to quantify diversity, but inclusion seems more amorphous. How do you know if employees feel welcome? The answer is simple: ask them.

Data Considerations for AI-Powered Recruitment

UK has already released a parliamentary report for an AI code and GDPR is clamping down on the type of data you can feed into AI engines. We explore what it means to adopt AI in recruitment, in this rapidly evolving landscape.

Is Your Self-Service Portal Ready for the Gig Economy?

With a third of the American population participating in the gig economy, HR services must become location and device-agnostic. This, however, isn’t as easy as it seems. We share three questions to ask when assessing your employee self-service systems for gig worker support.

Candidate Experience: 5 Innovative Approaches

Finding a mutually beneficial match in the plethora of candidates can be extremely rewarding in the long-term.
Attracting the right talent isn’t easy, but it shouldn’t be complicated either. When you’re competing to score the top talent, there’s no room to adopt the traditional frustrating hiring process. Any negative experiences can destroy the perception of your brand that candidates once liked while even a single positive experience can make them your brand ambassadors for life. Hence, improving the candidate experience for all individuals involved in the hiring process will dramatically increase the percentage of successful, long-term hires. In this post, we explore quick ways to improve the candidate experience

How to Win the War on Candidate Sourcing and Acquisition

Artificial intelligence is helping recruiters in their quest for hiring the perfect candidates like never before. This article explores the surprising ways AI can help with the talent search

Smart with a Chance of Automation: Recruitment 2019 Forecast

Did you know that the impact of the US recession is due to end by 2020, making this a spectacular period for low unemployment levels? HR teams must watch out for these recruitment trends in 2019 in order to make a definite and indelible impact on today’s competitive job market.

How Will Video Interviewing Tools Transform Recruitment in 2019 and Beyond

There’s no denying how video interviewing tools can transform recruitment. Hiring can become much more streamlined, enriching, and interactive. We measure their key impacts and look at three vital trends in video interviewing.

Get Your Reward Strategies 2019-Ready With Big Data

Can Big Data revolutionize reward strategies and align a program to business outcomes? We delve deeper into this growing trend.

4 Employee Engagement Trends that Will Rule 2019

2019 is going to be a big year for HR professionals. Gen Z finally joins the workforce, new technologies like AI and AR/VR are going mainstream, and as Josh Bersin (formerly of Deloitte) puts it, it will be the year of productivity over automation. We discuss the good, the bad, and what’s changing in employee engagement trends, in 2019.

Here's Why M-Learning and Microlearning Belong Together

The post discusses how to introduce mobile learning and microlearning into the learning process. The author describes how to effectively design learning materials by setting the clear...workers are craving this unique landscape

4 Ways To Improvise The Recruitment Process and attract Talent

It is always a struggle to attract top talent to apply to your job positions. So take advantage of the numerous communication technologies such as a quiz maker to fine-tune your approach to your recruitment process

Only people in HR know how many changes the recruitment process has gone through. We have come a long way from job postings in newspapers and hour-long interviews to HR hunters and online testing.

You may be under the impression that there are not that many ways to improvise recruitment and make it so that it reflects your branding strategy.

But, is this really a thing? With so many technologies at our disposal and the ability to connect with people across the globe in a click of a button, creativity is the only barrier.

5 HR Tech Startups with Disruptive AI Technology for Recruitment

Talent acquisition has always been a vital area for HR teams. With skills shortage on the rise and a diverse global candidate pool, AI can link the brightest mind to the most fitting roles. We share five disruptive startups in this exciting landscape.

How Technology Can Help Link HR Processes to Strategy in 2019

Link your HR processes to strategic business milestones. We share four ways in which HR technology can help reinforce organizational efforts in 2019.

How Technology Plays a Vital Role in the Future of Recruiting

The internet and digital age have changed our pace in every walk of life. Technology is making things simpler and more efficient. Ms. Achal Khanna, CEO, SHRM - APAC & Middle East talks about the role of technology in the future of recruiting.

Role of HR Technology in Recruitment | HR Technologist

Recruitment or talent acquisition is amongst the most important HR processes in the organization. Recruiters are, after all, the gate keepers of the organization, scrutinizing the quality and quantity of talent inputs and ensuring that it aligns with the true talent need. However, often the hiring process is often riddled with objectivity in the form of hiring biases and judgmental decision making, often by hiring managers who are not trained to carry out hiring decisions objectively.

The Resume is Dying - Here’s What the Future of Hiring Looks Like

It’s no longer enough to depend on the age-old resume. We share four ideas for data-driven hiring and why intelligent assessments are the way forward.