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Updated by Charles Ray on Sep 02, 2023
Charles Ray Charles Ray
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Items of Interest on the Web

Things I've found of interest while surfing the Web.

Charles Ray - YouTube

My YouTube page with videos I've done as well as those I particularly like.

Al Pennyback Mysteries - YouTube

Al Pennyback, a former soldier, is Washington, DC's man to call when you're in trouble. Get Al Pennyback mysteries in paperback at or other retail...

Dead Men Don't Answer - YouTube

The latest Al Pennyback mystery, has Al trying to solve the mystery of a dead man who answers his phone while dealing with ghosts from his past. - created at...

Dead Man's Cove - YouTube

A quiet weekend turns to murder for Al and his friends in the latest Al Pennyback mystery. - created at

Dead Men Don't Answer - YouTube

The latest Al Pennyback mystery, has Al trying to solve the mystery of a dead man who answers his phone while dealing with ghosts from his past. - created at...

Who Knows Her Animal (and Helicopter) Noises? - YouTube

It's usually more clear, but Daddy's making her giggle too much :D

Pip's Revenge - YouTube

This sequel to "Child of the Flame" has Pip and his friends facing an invasion led by Tenkuk the Barbarian, who is leading an army of dragon warriors. Pip an...

My Animoto Video - YouTube

Preview of Buffalo Soldier: Incident at Cactus Junction. A riveting tale of Ben Carter and his men from the Ninth U.S. Cavalry, sent to help a town beseiged ...

Buffalo Soldier: Peacekeepers: Charles Ray: Kindle Store

Buffalo Soldier: Peacekeepers: Charles Ray: Kindle Store

Dead Men Don't Answer: Charles Ray: Kindle Store

Dead Men Don't Answer: Charles Ray: Kindle Store

NRA's view of students of the future Mug from

Made in 24 hours. NRA's view of students of the future Mug created by UhurubyCharlesRay. This design is available on coffee mugs, travel mugs, steins and is totally customizable.

Death From Unnatural Causes (Al Pennyback Mysteries): Charles Ray: Kindle Store

Death From Unnatural Causes (Al Pennyback Mysteries): Charles Ray: Kindle Store

Montana Woman Captures Incredible Encounter With Moose Running Down Highway

From Yahoo: A Montana family recently captured on video the incredible moment they drove alongside a moose barreling down Highway 12 near the Montana-Idaho border. Jessica Richards, 27, said she and her family often drive down the highway when en route to visit family in Boise, Idaho. "And every time, I always see these moose-crossing signs everywhere, and I always tell my husband I want to see a moose but we never do," Richards told ABC News today.

Trump to be 'updated' by US intelligence after Russia sanctions announced

Trump's statement comes after the Obama administration announced new sanctions against Russia.

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Tech's power shifts as Obama fades to Trump

Trump’s presidency may change how the battles play out for the next four to eight years.

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In the Center Ring

A nice show on ice at Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus, Royal Farms Arena, Baltimore, MD, April 22, 2017.

The Wild West Showdown with J.C. Hulsey: Episode 99

J.C. Hulsey has lived in Midlothian, Texas over thirty years. He's a father, grandfather, and great-grandfather. He has been married for 57 years. He enjoys Western movies and TV Shows, (especially the older ones) and reading about Mail-Order Brides. He is also the owner of six cats (all stray cats, showed up on the back porch) and one dog (rescue dog) He worked for 33 years at Bell Helicopter. He served in the USAF for five years, and the Air National Guard for four years. He started writing songs in his early twenties. He recorded a couple of songs in the late 1960s. He started writing poetry in the 1970s to share with others. He self-published them on Amazon in 2013. He still felt the need to write something different. He tried writing a book in the 1970s, but it was never finished. In 2014, he felt the urge to write a Western novel. However, he needed something different than what was on the market. What about a young Christian Gunfighter? That book turned into a series of seven books that won First Place for Best Westen Series in 2015 from Texas Association of Authors. His is also the founder and chairman of Outlaws Publishing LLC. Music by Jason Castro, Donna Ray & Kevin Collins Chad Prather's Thought For The Day Special Guest Author Charles Ray