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Updated by Komal Mishra on Jan 29, 2019
Komal Mishra Komal Mishra
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Top Five Flight Booking Website in the Middle East

“Travel is the only thing you purchase that makes you richer”, the wonderful quotes signifies the importance of traveling in our life. To make the traveling easy there are certain websites which manage the booking of flight tickets. So far as middle east countries like Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Turkey, Iran, Egypt etc. is concerned the most frequently used flight booking websites are- Rehlat, Ejazah, Tejawal, Almosafer & Flyin.




Rehlat website is traveler friendly which provides the information pertaining to hotels, deals available, loyalty points, contact information etc. arranged a chronological manner. The most distinct feature of this website is that it provides an additional social page named as inspiration, which provides all the necessary information that a traveler requires like the travel tips, destinations, food & hospitality, shopping, beaches, lifestyle etc. All Rehlat Coupons & Offers are available at Couponbricks.




Ejazah website provides a simple and user-friendly interface. Apart from flight booking, it provides additional facilities like a car, hotel and packaged holidays booking. It provides limited service with greater efficiency. This website also provides an interface that is ideal for those who have knowledge of the Arabic language.


Tajawal website and mobile application provide convenient and effortless service to its user. It also provides a secure payment option along with 24/7 customer support both in English & Arabic. This website has a specific page for offers which provides information related to offer and discount to its customer. The information regarding the price of booking in different currency act as a distinct feature of this website. Use Tajawal Coupons and save on flight ticket.


Almosafer can be the best booking site for those who are frequent travelers. It facilitates booking over 15000 destinations with an affordable price. The most distinct feature of this website is at a simple click you can compare multiple flight options and even you can choose multi-city journey. One of the interesting features of Almosafer is that you can book your flight and pay the amount in installment at Zero Percent interest rate.




The interface of Flyin is more user-friendly and attractive. The distinct feature of the website is that it has virtual wallet known as flyin wallet. It also provides certain rewards to its loyal customer. It is economical and provides a wide range of flight options.